Chapter Twenty Eight- Canceled Plans

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Hey, my potatos. It seems like it's been forever.


   "So tell me, how is this suppose to work?"

With a sigh, Sebastian smacked my hand with this weird stick thingy, earning a small yelp from me.

   "Hey! That hurt!"

   "Lady Lillian. It has been almost ten years since the young lord has proposed. Don't you think you should have put even the smallest amount of thought into this?"

   "No, not really. Besides, I don't want a big wedding. It'll feel...weird."

The door burst open behind us, a panting Jackie standing in the doorway. Even after ten years, she doesn't look like she's aged at all. Even her personality is the same.



   "Yea, you! What the actual fuck, man?!"

   "Jackie, what are you talking about?"

She slammed some papers on the table in front of us, and pointed.

   "Why the hell did all of the people we hired for the wedding cancel on us?!"

It took everything I had not laugh.

   "What's going on in here?"

Ciel stepped in now, walking stick in hand. The pressure to hold in my laughter just got higher.

   "Your fiance did something to all of the people we hired."

I can't hold it back anymore. Slamming my hand on the table, I burst into laughter, falling in the process.

   "Lady Lillian, what did you do this time?"

   "I may or may not have told them I'd sell them to Satan for one corn chip as a thanks for helping us."

They all gave me confused looks, before reality struck them.

   "Lillian, don't tell me you-"

   "Turned into a demon right in front of them? There is a very good chance that happened."

They all sighed, making me laugh even harder.

   "Hey! I was trying to show my thanks!"

   "By sending them to hell?"

   "They were a bit pricey."

By now Ciel couldn't take anymore, and left the room. Jackie sat down while staring at me, and Debby let out another long sigh.

   "Besides, I saved us a lot of money. We have a perfectly good butler who can do everything for us."

   "It isnt-"

   "Now what kind of a butler would he be if he couldn't plan a wedding?"

Sebastian seemed to be getting rpretty ticked off, so I decided it would be best to run. Before they could stop me, I made my way to Ciel and It's bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me. After he asked me the question, Sebastian decided it would be 'best fit for us to sleep in the same room.' I guess its what all married couples do. Seems pretty cliche to me. There was a knock on the door, followed by my name.


   "What is it?"

Ciel walked inside, closing the door behind him.

   "Are you okay?"


He sat down, and placed his hand on mine. Honestly, this is one of the only touchy things he does. Not that I mind, I've never been a touchy feely kind of person anyways.

   "Hey, Ciel?"


   "Are you nervous?"


   "Are you sure you're making the right choice?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "I mean are you sure you want to marry me? We are going to live for god knows how long, are you sure you want to spend the rest of that time with me?"

   "I wouldn't have asked you to be mine if I wasn't."

He gave me a rare smile, and stood from the bed.

   "Now, shall we go-"

I didn't let him finish. Quickly placing my lips on his, I looked at him.

   "Good. Now we better hurry, otherwise Sebby will throw a fit."

Ciel seemed to scoff a bit after I said Sebby.

   "Do you have to give him that ridiculous nickname?"

   "Aww, is someone jealous?"

   "I am not jealous of a butler!"

   "I could always go back to calling you Emo Pirate."


   "Then quit the complaining."

His eyes seemed to sink as I dragged him to the dining room. Life wasn't as bad as I thought it was before. As cheesy as it sounds, coming to this world was the best thing to ever happen to me. I actually have friends here other than Jackie. Hell, I'm about to be married to someone millions of girls would die just to talk to. Things couldn't be any better.


I have some bad news. This was the last chapter of this book. >.<
But!!! I'm posting another Black Butler book soon. I'm so happy I could write this book, even if it wasn't the greatest. Thank you to all of you who read it ^-^

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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