Chapter two- Wakey Wakey

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Again, I hope you all enjoy my crappy writing skills. I have turtles attacking now, so Imma let you read.


The black haired man walked over to Lillian, who was still in shock. He handed her the baseball, and she slowly reached her hand out and took the ball. Lillian dropped it in her bag, and turned to look back at the butler who was looming over her.

"May I ask who you are, and what it is you are doing here?" He looked down at her and waited for an answer that was seeming to take all to long to come. She finally got up the courage and yelled...

"HOLY TURTLES, ITS SEBASTIAN MICHEALS!" The man now known as Sebastian, became shocked at her words, but repeated his question.

"Hi! My name is Lillian Connor!" She paused a minute. "Wait if SEBASTIAN FRACKIN MICHEALS is here, then where's emo pirate?"

Sebastian just looked at her blankly and said, "Emo pirate?"

"Well yea! Emo Pirate. Ya know, Ciel?"

"My master is sleeping."

Lillian stopped messing with her bag and looked up with a smile on her face. "Sleeping? Well, we'll have to fix that." She began to run towards the stairs, and made it to the first step. But then she felt a hand on her arm and looked to see the butler holding her.

"Aww, come on kitten lover. Have some fun."

"I simply can not let you go and wake my master. He would not be very happy, and he would be tired in the morning. Now let me take you to the guest room, and we will go to my master in the morning." He let her go and began to walk the other way, only to turn around and see her rounding the corner to the hallway. Sebastian let out a small laugh. "Well I can already see this will be fun."

"EMO PIRATE, WAKEY WAKEY!" She yelled. Lillian stopped and opened the first door she seen. When the door was pushed forward, she looked in front of her to see a desk and chair, with a window behind it and books all around it. "Hey, it's the pirates study!" She closed the door and began back down the hall. When she came to another door, she opened it to see what looked like a kitchen, but was to dark to tell. "Well where the hell can he be?" She came up to another door and opened it a crack. That was when a smile crept onto her lips and she pushed the door open all the way. Lillian walked over to the curtains and pushed them open, then quietly walked to the side of Ciel's bed.

"He seems to be sleeping so well..." she whispered. "Oh well. That's about to change." She began stomping her feet and yelling, "EMO PIRATE, EMO PIRATE, EMO PIRATE!" The boy's eyes suddenly shot open and he quickly sat up. That's when he seen Lillian jumping around like a mad woman, screaming something about a emo pirate.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my room!?" This made her stop and turn around to see him sitting up with a confused, yet angered look on his face.

She started jumping around some more and then stopped. Lillian ran over to him and got about two centimeters from his face, another smile creeping up. "If you want to know, come and catch me." With that she took off down the halls and started singing at the top of her lungs, "NA NA NA BOO BOO, YOU CANT CATCH ME!" The boy took his eyepatch from his stand that was next to him, and tied it around his eye.

"Sebastian!" Sebastian came in almost an instant after his name was called. "Who in bloody hell was that, and why is she here?"

"Well, her name is Lillian, and I do not know why she is here. I heard a scream come from the foyer, and when I got there she was throwing a ball at me." Ciel was letting this sink in before he said, "Bring her to me."

"Yes, my lord."

A few moments later, Sebastian came back in with a very unhappy Lillian over his shoulder. He then dropped her and shut the door behind him.

"Listen here, kitten lover. DO NOT throw me over your shoulder again. I will have the queen of hearts herself take off your head, and send your body back to emo pirate here who I'm sure wouldn't enjoy seeing his butler like that. Am I clear?" She sat there with her arms crossed, glaring at him. They both were staring at her, not sure what to say.

"Exscuse me, but what do you think you are doing? And why are you here?"

"Well I think it's obvious what I'm doing. I'm threatening Mr. Kitten lover over here. And I don't know why I am here. Now will you please let me go? I have some things I need to do."

"And what are those things?"

"Well I have to put itching powder here on kitten lovers bed, of course!" She said it like it was obvious and Ciel gave her a look that she wasn't sure how to respond to.

"You will not be doing anything with itching powder. Now tell me how you got here."

She sighed. "I got here by some random light at the end of an alley way." He just gave her a blank look. She sighed again. "I was running from a large, hairy, fat man and I ended up in alley way. I put my sweatshirt on and next thing I know I'm being eaten alive by a light, and here I am!"

Ciel sighed. " You are not making sense."

"Well that's what happened."

"Sebastian, take Lillian to one of the guest rooms. She will be staying here from now on, and you will help her in the morning."

"Don't send me with kitten lover!"

"Yes, my lord." He went to walk Lillian out, only to see her sitting there not moving. "If this is what you want, then so be it." He picked her up and left the room. After they left Ciel could still here Lillians threats to Sebastian like taking all his cats away, and switching the ingredients in the kitchen. It only made Ciel laugh a bit, and he layed back down. He began to think about the girl he had just met. "She is quite pretty...Wait what am I saying?" He shook his thoughts away and went back to sleep.

And there is chapter two! Its probably boring but when I get farther in, it should be better. Now exscuse me while I go and wallow in self pity about not owning Black Butler.

Stuck with you (Black Butler fan-fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant