Chapter fourteen- Cheesy Cracker

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Hiiii. ^~^


~~~Lillian's pov~~~

"Mey-Rin, you do know I can bath myself, right?"

"Well, yes, I do!"

"Then why are you standing in the bathroom with me?"

"Wha!? I'm terribly sorry miss!" She ran out of the bathroom, of course tripping and falling on her way out of the bedroom. I couldn't help but facepalm.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes miss! Terribly sorry miss!" Damn. That's almost as annoying as Sebastian calling me Lady Lillian. Like...Seriously! Whatever though. I'm taking a bath and getting this nasty shit out of my hair.

"Much better." I was literally in there for three seconds when Sebby-Chan knocked. Ok, maybe longer than three seconds, but you know what I mean.

"Lady Lillian, the master needs to speak with you in his study. He also has a special dress he'd like you to wear today that you will need help getting into. I'm having Mey-Rin come back."

Oh God. Please no. Last time Mey-Rin helped me, I ended up face-planting into a wall while Mey-Rin was on my leg. "Do I really have to wear a dress? I feel like one day all the dresses in the world are going to take over, and force EVERYONE to wear them. Scary shit." I could hear Kitten lover sigh from the other side of the door. With all this sighing going on, I think we just might pass out from loss of air. Honestly, next time he sighs, I might just have to call a doctor to save his life.

"Yes. You have to wear it."

"But Mey-Rin is going to kill me!"

"Lady Lillian, she will not kill you."

"Yes she will. I will send you back to the depths of hell if you have Mey-Rin dress me."

"Fine. Then if you are going to be like that, I will help you."

This time I sighed. Why does Sebby-Chan have to help me!? Frick a turtle.

"Lady Lillian?"

"What do you want you cheesy cracker?"

"I was unaware of myself being a cheesy cracker. But you need to get out."


"You know the master is impatient. You need to hurry."

"Would you shut your big mouth yet? I'm getting out."

"I will be waiting outside your door when you're ready for me to come in."

"Then you're going to be waiting a while."

"Lady. I will give you five minutes."

"Whatever. Go away." I could hear his footsteps towards the door, so I walked out of the bathroom. Then a very high pitched, girly like scream came from my mouth, and I just about passed out.

"Lady Lillian? What happened?"

"This dress's...OH MY GAWWWDD. WHO IN THERE RIGHT FROCKING MIND WOULD EVEN THINK ABOUT PUTTING ME IN THIS!?" I think kitten lover called Satan himself to ruin my day because so far, it isn't going good.

"Oh yes. The dress. Please get ready for me to come in."

I grabbed the dress and threw it out the window, hoping it would land in a mud puddle or something. If I was lucky it would land in a hole dug all the way to China and I'd never see it again. I got ready for Sebastian to come in, but still wrapped the towel around me. Mr. Kitten loving pervert has no right looking at me.

Stuck with you (Black Butler fan-fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora