Chapter twenty two-The Undertakers

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It took me a while, but I eventually got all my traps set up around the manor. My plan is to stay up all night, and just hang around Emo Pirate, making sure he doesn't get caught it any. On second thought it would be funny...NO. Those are only for Sebby-chan! In a few more minutes, it'll be seven, the time Ciel wakes up. I walked out of my room, the manor completely quiet. My stomach let out a huge growl. 

   "I think I should reward myself with some food. To the kitchen!"

Racing down the hallway, I ran into the kitchen and looked through the pantry. Nothing. Greeeeat. Maybe there is some pie left over? I opened the fridge, and BAM. HALF A PIE.

   "There is a god."

Grabbing the biggest fork we had, I dug in. Ya know, for being stuck up demon with an ego bigger than this manor, he does know how to make food. I was finishing up my pie, when someone burst through the door. 


  "Hey! You didn't say Lady Lillian this time! Oh,"

I couldn't keep my laugh in anymore. I started banging my fist on the table, not being able to breath.

   "How do I get this out of my hair?"

   "I'm not sure. How do you?"

He glared at me, and before I could blink, he was in my face, covering my mouth. 

   "We don't really want to do this, do we?"

I smiled. He really thinks he can scare me? Psh, him and Ciel aren't the only demons around here anymore. I licked his hand, and he quickly ripped it away. 

   "That is unsanitary!"

   "Your face is unsanitary."

Finishing my pie, I threw the fork behind me, and it surprisingly landed in the sink. 

   "Ya know, I think today might actually be fun."

I gave him a smirk before running down the hallway to Ciel's room. 

   "Ciel! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!"

   "Ehh? Lillian, what are you doing? Where's Sebastian?"

   "Well Sebastian is...having a bad hair day."

He gave me a confused look, but I jumped on his bed next to him, and looked at the ceiling. 

   "I have an idea. Why don't you and I just relax today. You can teach me how to play...chess."

I almost puked just thinking about that. 

   "Lillian, I have work to do."


He thought for a moment, then sighed. I win. 

   "Alright, fine."

   "Yeeess! Hurry up and get dressed!"

I was about to run out of the room, when I remembered the poor kid doesn't know how to dress himself. I pity him, I really do. 

   "Oh, right. Hold on."

I ran to his closet, and looked at all of his clothes.


Grabbing the outfit, I laid it down on the bed next to him.

   "So uhh...Just put the undershirt on, with the pants, and I'll help you with the rest."

He nodded, and I turned around so he could do it. 

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