Chapter eight- Her necklace

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Ok, I think now that I'm getting farther into the story, it's getting better. I don't know though. But enjoy ^~^


"Oh! Why, what a pretty young lady we have." Rolland gave her that twisted smile and she tried her best to smile back. He was atleast a foot taller than her, and she hated to admit it, but he was actually quite handsome.

"I'm sorry! Hello, my name is Lillian Collins and I-" He cut off her sentence by putting a finger to her lips.

"No need for chatter. Would you care to join me in a dance?" He held out his hand.

"I'd be honored." She did a courtesy and took his hand, trying to act as polite as possible. When she turned around she seen Ciel and Sebastian watching from afar, Ciel with a sickening look on his face.

When the dance was over, he walked her over to where the drinks were at.

"Care for one?"

"Oh! No thank you." Lillian wasn't in the mood to be drinking. "You're really gonna owe me one Ciel Phantomhive..." she thought.

"Very well. Then perhaps you'd like to join me for a stroll in the garden?"

"That would be lovely." She did her best smile as he dragged her out back. When they got out there, Lillian was speechless. It was a very large garden, with many different flowers, but mostly white roses.

" I truly do love white roses. They have a...special touch to them." He began running his hand up her arm and stopped at her shoulder, only making chills run down her spine.

"Yes. They are beautiful." Lillian managed to say.

"Come. I'd like to show you to a special place I go to...when I like to be alone." He slowed down on the last part, making Lillian want to kick him where the sound don't shine and run. He pulled her to this small, yet pretty building covered in white roses. As he dragged her inside, he shut the door behind them.

"Hurry Ciel..." She let out a small whisper and turned around to see him two inches away. Maybe closer.

"You know, very few deserve the title of the white rose..." he began as he ran his hands up and down her arms. "Only those who cooperate, and listen. Those who are well enough." That was when he grabbed her necklace, and started tugging at it. A certain rage sparked inside of Lillian, and she didn't know where it came from. Was it because she knew what he was playing couldn't be because the necklace was a gift from Ciel. Right? Either way, it didn't matter and she slapped his hand away.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Do NOT place your filthy hands on me again!"

"But when the white rose begins to not cooperate, it stains red..." He pushed her towards the wall and had her pinned. His head went straight towards her neck and she let out a scream. "CIEL. SEBASTIAN. HELP!"

~~~Ciel's pov~~~

"CIEL. SEBASTIAN. HELP!" Ciel heard a scream, but from where? It was so faint, he could barely hear it. He managed to follow them out to the garden, but was lost in the crowd of people before he could stop them.

"Young master, if I may suggest, the building over there?" Sebastian pointed in the opposite direction Ciel was looking in, and he let out a small huff. He began running, and when he tried opening the door, he couldn't.

"Damnit. Its locked. Sebastian, open this door. That's an order."

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian walked over to one of the statues letting out water nearby, and threw it at the door. He then walked over and moved the statue, allowing them to see and get inside. Ciel felt a spark let off somewhere inside him, and he was furious. When the statue was moved, he seen Lillian up against the wall with Ronald pinning her there. He had already unbuttoned her dress from the back and was beginning to run his hand up her leg.

"Get your hands off of her. Now." Ciel stormed in there, and threw him off of her. Rolland hit the other side of the wall and he blacked out. When Lillian opened her eyes, she noticed Ciel's eye wasn't blue anymore. Instead, it was a dark red. He closed his eye, and when he opened it again it was back to blue.

"Are you alright?" He took out his handkerchief and began wiping away the tears. Lillian tried moving but when she did, she blacked out and fell into his arms.

The last thing she said was, "Not again..."

"Go get help, and have them bring the police."

"Yes, my lord."

Lillian woke up with a major headache, and her wrists slightly bruised. "God damnit..." She then looked down at herself and realised she was only in a undershirt. She pulled the blanket up to her neck and noticed her necklace was gone.

"My necklace!"

"Calm down, its right next to you." Ciel and Sebastian came in and Ciel's faced turned a light pink when he seen her. Lillian pulled the covers back up, and her face flushed red.

"I...umm...I...Who changed me...exactly?"

"It was Mey-Rin. We put you in your nightgown that wasn't dirty, but you were thrashing around and ripped it. So Mey-Rin gave you one of the masters undershirts." Ciel looked away, and walked over and sat down next to her.

"Lillian, after, you said not again. Why?"

Everything that had happened to her with Rolland came flooding back. "I umm...Well. He was about know. And I haven't exactly had the greatest past." Ciel looked at her with confusion, and waited for more.

"I guess there is no better way to put this than he was reminding me of things that have happened before." Lillian looked down at her hands, and started thinking about her past. The things she tried so hard to forget.

And chapter 8!

Stuck with you (Black Butler fan-fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora