Griffin's Lousy Day

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hey guys, currently writing this while missing out on prom....but anyways, I decided a good angsty fic would help ease my pain. 

in which griffin has a bad day, and harper comforts him. simple as that. 



Griffin Campbell awoke at 6:30 like he did every school morning. He yawned and stretched, sleepily rubbing his eyes before shutting off his alarm. He grabbed his old Nirvana tee shirt and put it on before heading to the bathroom. 

He got ready for school and groggily grabbed his backpack before heading downstairs. 

He hadn't slept great. He kept waking up and he didn't even know why, but it really messed with his sleep schedule. 

He poured a bowl of cereal and ate it quickly as his little sister sprinted down the stairs. 

"Griffin, can you please take me to school?" Zoey pleaded. 

"Why can't mom take you?" Griffin asked. Sarah took the twins to school every day, why couldn't she today? 

"She's taking Wyatt, but she's being annoying this morning and told me "if you keep up the attitude, you can walk to school", and I am NOT walking to school." Zoey rolled her eyes. 

"Then why don't you just listen to mom and stop with the attitude?" Griffin offered, shooting her a stern look with his greenish brown eyes. 

"Ugh, you sound just like her. I'll be waiting in the truck." Zoey stated with a smirk. 

"Hey, I never agreed to take you!" Griffin protested. 

"Oops, I'm already headed towards the door." Zoey shrugged, not turning around. 

"At least sit in the back seat, we're picking Harper up on the way!" Griffin exclaimed. This is why Griffin hated when he had to take his siblings to school. It was a rare occasion, but he hated it. He drove his girlfriend, Harper Dunn, to school every day. It was his time of relaxing. 

They'd drive, have some alone time in the parking lot, and then walk hand in hand into school. It was nice to have some de-stress time before school, the biggest stress maker of all.

Griffin grabbed his backpack off the floor and called up the stairs. 

"Mom, I'm heading out! Zoey's coming with me!" He exclaimed. 

"Okay, sweetie! Have a good day at school!" "She replied from in her room. 

Griffin grabbed the keys to his black Ford truck and headed out the door. He rolled his eyes as he saw Zoey already sitting in the front seat, her pale blue Stanley cup perched on her lap. 

He entered the drivers side and turned the key in the ignition. 

"I thought I told you to sit in the back." Griffin said. 

"You thought wrong." Zoey smirked. 

"Little shit..." Griffin muttered. He pulled the car into gear and backed out of the driveway, headed towards Harper's house. 

Zoey fiddled with the radio the entire time they were on the road and Griffin rolled his eyes as she blasted the third Taylor Swift song in the last 7 minutes. After the short ride that seemed like forever, Griffin pulled the truck into park in the Dunn's driveway. 

He shot Harper a text and turned to his little sister. 

"Zoey." He tried to gain her attention. She was staring at her phone and lip syncing to the music. Griffin sighed. He turned down the radio. 

Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harper x Griffin) (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now