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Once again Alexa was woken up by a loud noise from outside. If it wasn't the alarm during school it was some stupid person making the loudest noise ever in the middle of 'her night' aka 11am. She was already furious and also determined to find out who earth dared to disturb her peaceful slumber, so she got changed quickly and went outside. Only to be greeted by her mother, mowing the lawn.

"thank you very much for waking me up" she shouted, shooting an evil glare to her mother, who didn't even see or hear her daughter. Being as frustrated as she was, she dramatically sighed and put her hands up, turned round and slammed the door shut with a loud noise.

Back inside Alexa decided on nesquick for breakfast, since it was her favourite cereal. Also it was a quick fix for basically everything, as it was mainly chocolate. Whenever something was bothering her, she poured herself a bowl of nesquick. Now was one of those moments where just everything was frustrating. The world seemed to be against her, at least that was what it felt like.

Since she was on break, her sleeping schedule was basically non-existent. So breakfast at 11am was quite early actually. Alexa is such a night-owl. She just loves the night, when everything is peaceful and nothing is happening. The night inspired her a lot as well.


Just like every free afternoon, she grabbed a book and made her way over to the hammock under the tree. It was really beautiful in their garden to be honest. There was this huge tree at the very end, which she used to climb all the time when she was little. And on the other side there was this little pond her mother loved and cared about a lot. Unfortunately it didn't have fish in it, there used to be a fountain though, but that broke down a while ago. Closer to the backdoor of the house there was a table with lovely, vintage looking chairs around it. And quite in the middle of the garden was Alexa's favourite place. The fire pit. She had always loved sitting around a ever so silently crackling fire, when the nights were warm in summer. It gave her an odd sense of comfort, just like the sound of rain hitting the roof. Around the whole property there was a fence with neat white slats. It was actually a quite fairytale garden and Alexa loved every bit of it.

Today the sun was shining brightly but under the shadow of the tree the temperature of this warm summer day was actually bearable. Alexa had been lost in the book she was reading for what seemed like hours. It was really nice, because there was absolutely no distraction whatsoever. Once the tiniest thought of the peaceful silence was made, it was broken by loud, banging music. And where did it come from? From that stupid neighbour, who also happens to have a "band", at least that's what they called it.

Always in the nicest moments they decided to "practice". Almost as if they would do it deliberately, just to piss Alexa off. She could imagine that though, since her neighbour likes to do exactly that.

He is what you would call a fuckboy. Constantly makes snarky remarks about whatsoever when he sees Alexa. Thinks he knows her so well and also thinks he is so damn cool with his band and his torn jeans and his colourful hair. Alexa could vomit just at the thought of him. And the best part about all this was that her mum and his mum were actually really good friends. This meant that they had to see and talk to each other a lot more than Alexa would have liked to.

"Goddamnit boys turn the fuck down" she shouted in the direction of the music, knowing they would never hear it. She tried to concentrate, but it just wasn't possible with this loud music in the background. It felt like this whole beautiful day was ruined by those stupid idiots. Just as she had given up and made her way towards the house, the noise stopped and not long after the four boys came out of the house.

"oh god no" Alexa muttered, being confronted with that idiot was the last thing she wanted.

"hello lovely, how was your day? Did you read a lot?" Michael shouted, a fake sweet tone in his saying.

"shut the fuck up" Alexa hissed.

"oh someone's grumpy today" he put his hand up in fake-defence.

"well you wanna know why? Cause you fucking idiots can't practice so that I can read outside" she couldn't articulate it well enough, so knew she had almost lost anyways.

"sucks to be you then, cause we had so much fun" he teased, having so much fun getting at her.

"you're so stupid it hurts my brain" Alexa countered, holding her head in her hands, pretending she had a headache just then. She didn't give him a chance to get back at her, instead she shut the door behind her.

Why did boys exist? Mostly why did boys likeMichael exist? Like what was their purpose on this earth? Alexa did not get it.He was just the scum of this earth and obviously he had to live next to her. Shedecided on continuing the book, but this time on the inside of her room, probablythe best idea.

// i thought of writing the whole story out first but then decided on posting it bit by bit. i don't know why tho. i hope you enjoy this, leave a comment what you thing ily//

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