It was the day of Alexa's mother's birthday. Luckily she had found her a gift last minute. A beautiful vase, with a single flower in it, surely her mother would love it. The other thing that was on today's agenda was making breakfast, which meant getting up earlier than Alexa would have liked to. It was her mother's birthday after all. She decided on being a nice person and preparing a lovely breakfast for her mother, who obviously decided on bursting in halfway through the preparations.

"Good morning honey, you're up already?" her mother asked in confusion whilst waltzing into the kitchen.

"Yeah! I was gonna surprise you with a lovely breakfast, but you decided to ruin that, didn't you" Alexa said walking over and hugging her mother. "Happy birthday I love you so much" she squeezed her tightly.

"thank you sweety I love you too and thanks for the breakfast" she tried making the situation okay.

"oh and here's your present, I almost forgot, I hope you like it" Alexa said in a rush, handing her the vase. She had imagined it all to go down quite differently, but since this is how it turned out, she just had to roll with it.

"thank you very much, this is so beautiful" her mother said, wrapping her arms around her daughter once again. It was nice though, receiving and giving love at the same time. "oh and can you help dad set up the tables in the garden" her mother was now bringing out the puppy eyes, which obviously Alexa couldn't deny.

"yeah sure" Alexa said with a smile, remembering there would be a birthday party today. Whatever it was people liked about parties Alexa didn't get it. She just preferred being alone, reading a book. So much loud chattering and usually nobody really listens to one another, because they are thinking about what they can say next. But hey if others enjoyed it, they should, it just wasn't Alexa's thing. Nonetheless she made her way outside, to help set it all up. It was her mother's birthday after all. Once outside she was happily greeted by her father.

"heya do you mind setting up those tables on your own for now, I need to get something from the shops I'll help ya later"

"yeah sure whatever" Alexa said mindlessly, knowing she would have to do everything on her own. With that she heard her father starting the car and driving off. It wasn't too bad, there was definitely worse than setting out some tables and decorating everything nicely. That is what she thought.

It was not as easy since the wind decided to keep blowing off all of the tablecloths she had perfectly layed out. It must have looked ridiculous watching her run from table to table to fix it constantly. She was glad that nobody saw her struggling. She thought.

"Do you need any help" a too familiar voice teased. Alexa groaned and in the process she dropped all the little lights she was meant to put on the tables.

"I hate you" she hissed, more to herself. Yet he heard her.

"so do I" he trailed off "but that's what we're here for, right"

"I am on this planet to live my life and not to be constantly harassed by the definition of a fuckboy" she spat out, desperately trying to pick up everything she dropped. Some of them were probably even broken. Wasn't that just great.

"rude" he remarked, watching her from behind the fence.

"oh now I am being rude?" she asked facing him, completely taken aback by his stupidity.

"you're always rude, it's not nice of you" Michael fake pouted. Alexa was still trying to carry way too many items at once. She just didn't want to walk more times than absolutely necessary. Some people call that lazy, she prefers to call it practical.

"you're gonna drop them again, if you carry all of them at once, you know" he remarked, watching her every move.

"just mind your own damn business will you" she spat, being completely done with him. Balancing way too many little lights in her hands, she tried to get them over to the nearest table.

"but it's so much more fun watching you" he reasoned sarcastically.

"what kind of pathetic person are you?" she said turning round to face him. "do you like seeing people in stress, huh? you are so awful I hate you" she was in loss of words, his way of annoying her drove her mad.

"wow" he said, looking directly into her eyes. "you're calling me pathetic. Not nice"

"that's exactly what you are" she stated, giving him a death glare. She was so done with this idiot. Not giving him any time to answer she continued. "you know what you're a primitive monkey, go annoy somebody else, I have things to do, if you cannot tell" With that being said, she turned round and proceeded setting up the tables and everything.

"I could help you, you know" he spoke with a smirk on his face.

"I'd rather have a wild tiger in my garden than you helping me thank you very much" she hissed.

"Why can't I ever be nice to you without being shouted at?" he asked tilting his head. Teasing her and making her all flustered was so much fun.

"it's because you are not nice, you are just plotting something to annoy me further. Besides why the hell would you be nice to me?" she uttered. "look I am being nice for one day for my mother so will you please leave me alone"

"I am not doing anything" he responded innocently.

"I hate you so much" she spat out. She was so done with this boy. If she was around him any longer she would punch him in the face. That's why she decided on going inside, she would set the rest up later. There was no need of a scene on this day.


(a/n: i'm rly sorry this is so late, i had it written some time ago but didn't have time to revise on it. i really hope you like it though :)

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