It was one of those days where just everything was shit. Ever since Alexa had woken up she felt like crying. Nothing in the world was worse than days like those. Okay maybe she was wrong. There was a thing worse than that: days like those with your parents constantly picking on you.

When she went down to get breakfast, her parents were making the biggest of scenes, because Alexa hadn't put the bowl she used last night in the sink. Being quite tired still, Alexa didn't really want to have any kind of confrontation, but her parents weren't having any of that. The moment she walked into the kitchen her mother started out:

"it's one thing you have to do and you can't even do that" she said in a furious tone.

"what are you talking about?" Alexa asked, yawning.

"what I am talking about? You are actually asking me that?" her mother almost shouted.

"god" Alexa rolled her eyes. That was when Alexa's mother snapped.

"you can stop being so cocky right now or something will happen" she was now screaming causing tears to form in Alexa's eyes. She bit them down.

"you know what I'm not even hungry anmore" Alexa said, making her way outside of the kitchen.

"not so fast my lady" her mother pulled her on her arm

"ooow" Alexa winced. Whenever her mother was really angry with her she became really rough. The grip on Alexa's forearm was hard and she had to try hard not to cry.

"first you're gonna clean that up" her mother dragged her to the sink. She watched Alexa clean it up with evil glares. Once Alexa was finished she went straight to her room, skipping breakfast. Her stomach did a few weird sounds, she decided on ignoring that.

Sitting on her bed, she still felt like crying. It was not much of what had happened earlier, it was just the vibe of the whole day. Everything seemed so off today and she just felt like crying. Nothing could make her feel better, not even a book. To be fair she didn't even try, she didn't want to. A few hours of self pity later her dad burst into her room.

"lunch is ready, come downstairs" he said quite emotionless.

"I'm not hungry" Alexa answered even more monotonous. She was more than hungry, but she just didn't want to face anybody right now, especially not her mother.

"just come downstairs" he said in a stern voice.

Avoiding yet another argument Alexa got off her bed and walked downstairs. She sat at her usual spot picking out food. Right then she didn't feel like eating at all, even if she was hungry as balls. Her parents didn't seem to notice though, mostly because they were getting into a heated argument about some shit. Alexa didn't get it but it made her very upset, when the two people closest to her were repeatedly shouting awful words at each other. It was not even about or directed to her yet it made her feel horrible. If she didn't leave now she would start to sob uncontrollably. It was only lunchtime but this day was already enough for Alexa. She walked outside, through the backdoor, to get some air.

Once she was sat down on a chair she pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears started to spill from her eyes, which she squeezed shut. She didn't want to make a sound, but that didn't work. Silent sobs escaped her lips and her whole body was shaking. She was a mess.

When Michael walked outside of the house he swore he heard somebody crying. Shaking it off, he kept on walking until he heard a louder sob. Who could that be? It sounded like it came from Alexa's house, but that couldn't be could it. Never the less he followed the heart-breaking sounds, which led into Alexa's garden. It turned out to be Alexa herself, crouched in a chair not looking up. Cautiously, he walked up to her. She must have heard him because she tilted her head upwards. Red eyes with dark circles underneath and tear-stained cheeks looked up at Michael, who was at loss of words.

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