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When Alexa woke up on the next day she felt weird. 'I probably just didn't drink enough yesterday' she thought to herself. She got up and put on some shorts and a top, with some difficulty. There was this static in her head, that made everything frizzy. She couldn't stand quite straight; it was really weird. As she walked down the stairs, she had to hold on to the handle, she would've probably fallen otherwise.

Entering the kitchen, she earned to worried expressions from both her parents. "what's up" she yawned, turning to the cupboard, away from her mother.

"honey you're really pale, is everything alright?" her mother spoke, worry evident in her tone. She got up and walked over to Alexa who just then happened to drop the bowl, smashing it in the effect. Alexa herself didn't quite register what had happened until her mother grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. "Alexa what's going on?"

"nothing I'm fine" Alexa dismissed, picking up the pieces of the smashed bowl on the floor. Her vision was blurry still and her legs were quite shaky. She proceeded putting everything in the bin, but somehow her legs just gave in all of a sudden, everything was black.

Michael had texted Alexa a few times this day, still no replies. He was growing confused as to why she wouldn't reply, because usually it takes her about two minutes. After four hours of no reply he decided to just go over to her house, see what she was doing. Maybe it was just her phone that was dead.

He rang the doorbell and stands there for a good two minutes until Alexa's dad opened the door.

"hi Mr Devito, is Alexa home?" Michael asked politely.

"no she isn't she fainted in the morning and we took her to the hospital, Melissa is still there with her" Alexa's dad explained. Michael's eyes widened. Alexa was at the hospital? Was there anything wrong with her? "she's alright though, nothing to worry about"

"can I go see her?" Michael asked.

"sure thing, I'm actually gonna go to the hospital as well, want me to give you a ride?" Alexa's dad offered.

"that'd be great" Michael answered.

The drive was quiet and not too long for it to be super awkward. Michael was glad when they arrived though. He went into the building and asked for her room. Her father stayed in the car, since he was only picking her mother up.

The door to her room was slightly opened, so Michael gave it a slight push. Alexa was sitting on the huge hospital bed, looking out the window. She must have not heard Michael come in, because she didn't react in any way. Michael walked up to her, trying to not make a sound. Her back was still facing him and she still seemed to be captivated by whatever she saw outside.

When Michael was standing right behind her, he hugged her from behind. Not expecting him at all, she jumped and shrieked.

"hi" he breathed into her neck, making the little hairs down her spine stand up. Cuddling closer into her, he grabbed her hands and played with them. The enjoyed their company in silence.

"you could've given me a heart attack, you know" Alexa stated after a while.

"you would be in the right place wouldn't you?" he smirked.

"idiot" Alexa said simply.

"hey" he narrowed his eyes in fake manner. "why are you here actually?"

"well, I fainted in the morning so my parents took me here. But like nothing's wrong I just go a bit of low blood pressure, which might also be the reason for all the nosebleeds I kept having" Alexa explained. "so I'm fine, but they're keeping me until they get the lab reports from my blood back, which is soon hopefully, cause I've been bored out of my mind today ugh I didn't even have my phone" she rambled on.

"we could play a game" Michael suggested, removing his arms from around Alexa. She turned around narrowing her eyes at him.

"what kind of game?" she asked, being suspicions as to what was going on in his head.

"you'll see" he said "move a little so I can sit on the bed too" he ordered. He took off his shoes and sat himself behind Alexa her back facing him.

"now I'll write something on your back and you have to guess what I wrote"

"alright" she rolled her eyes at how simple that game was, but somehow it was a cute idea. He always had the cutest ideas going on, she didn't know where they all came from. On the outside he wasn't at all the cutesy type, but somewhere deep down he was. Alexa loved it.

He began with easy words like 'bed' and 'chair' and 'sun'. Then they moved on to sentences, because Alexa complained that single words were too easy. The sentences weren't too long though, since you can only remember a few letters at a time.

Michael's sentences were usually quite the same structure wise. They usually started with the basic 'I'.

"I" Alexa said, once Michael had drawn yet another line on her back. He paused. For a moment he was not entirely sure if he wanted to write what he had in mind. He let out a deep breath and went on.

"l" Alexa said, repeating every letter he was drawing. Somehow the conversation died down and the only thing to be heard was their breaths.


"v" and with that Alexa was silent. She knew what he was going to write. The expectation came true, when she felt an 'e' and then the three other letters. Her heartbeat picked up and her hands were sweaty. Was she supposed to say it back? Like immediately. I mean, she was sure by now that she loved him, but how the hell was she gonna tell him? Was she just going to blurt it out?

Not really knowing what to do, she turned around and connected their lips. The kiss was slow and meaningful, and it said just what Alexa wanted to.

"I love you too" Alexa whispered bashfully. Michael rested his forehead against Alexa's letting out yet another breath that he was holding in. He opened his eyes, only to look directly into Alexa's.

"you don't know how nervous I was just before" he breathed, taking Alexa's hands into his. "I had actually planned to tell you when we went out the other day, but I just couldn't say it I was so fucking nervous" Michael admitted lowly, eyes trained on their hands. "you just mean so much to me"

Alexa didn't know how to respond to that. Nobody had ever told her, that she meant a lot to them. Never had anyone been nervous because of her. "I love you so much" Alexa said shakily, connecting their lips yet again. This time she brought her hands up to his face, playing with the hairs by his ears.

"sorry lovebirds" a voice spoke, breaking the two apart. Michael stared down on his hands, cheeks quite flushed. Alexa had to give her attention to the person, but her mind was certainly somewhere else. "the lab results just came in and you're fine Mrs. Devito" this was presumably the doctor, they thought. "you're fine to go home actually"

"oh thank you" Alexa said awkwardly "do I need so sign anything?"

"no you're good to go" the doctor said. "I'm gonna leave you two bye Alexa"

The doctor left the room and Alexa couldn't help but laugh out loud. "wow that was awakward" she giggled, cheeks redder than ever.

"that it was"

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