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That night, when Michael went home after the dinner, Alexa avoided her parents at all costs. She knew fairly well, the questions for her would begin just then. But hiding in her room forever was also not an option, since it was the next morning and her stomach was communicating through various gargling noises. Alexa decided to face the storm and go downstairs for breakfast.

"good morning honey" her mother greeted once she entered the kitchen. Her parents were sitting by the table, long done with their breakfast. Almost as if they were waiting for Alexa to make her way down. She grabbed a bowl and poured herself cereal, which she set at the table and began eating. Her parents seemed to be waiting patiently for her to finish. As soon as she was done though, there was so stopping them.

"so he's a real cutie isn't he?" her mother began, earning an eye roll from Alexa. Not that he wasn't, it was just that you don't really want to hear your mother say that.

"I do like him, but if he'll ever do anything to you, he won't be smiling like that anymore" Her dad tried to be protective of her, which only worked partly.

"god dad, he's not going to kill me" Alexa sighed, already being done with this conversation. She didn't want to talk about her boyfriend with her parents. It was her business and not theirs, yet they didn't think so.

"you never know what the boys are up to these days and I don't wanna see my little girl get hurt" he went on, only irritating Alexa further.

"look, I'm fine okay" she said gesturing to herself. With that her dad left the kitchen, to do whatever he's doing. This however meant the gossip talk of her mother would just get started. She just wanted to know everything.

"so.." she trailed off. "since when are you guys a couple?" she asked, trying to sound not overly enthusiastic. She failed.

"about a week" Alexa tried saying without emotion, but thinking back to that day made that almost impossible. The memory of it tinted her cheeks pink and curled her lips up in a smile. All of this didn't go unnoticed by her mother.

"oh really how did he ask you out? Or did you ask him?" her mother was on full I-wanna-know-everything-please-tell-me mode.

"he asked me and no I'm not telling you how cause that's weird" Alexa retorted, growing more and more irritated. It wasn't that she wanted to be mean necessarily, she just didn't want to tell her mother, because that would have been really weird.

"oh c'mon tell me I'm your mother" her mother tried.

"mum" Alexa warned.

"okay so you shared a kiss haven't you? Yeah you must have" her mother said, thinking back to the day her daughter had a big blue hickey on her neck. Also Alexa thought back to that day, feeling her neck and cheeks reddening even more. "oh my god, did you already do it?" Her mother asked being quite shocked.

"GOD MUM THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS I'm out of here bye" with that Alexa stood up and walked to the backdoor. As she was in front of Michael's door, she was too much of a chicken to just ring the doorbell, because what if it's not Michael who opens the door? She pulled out her phone, texting the man himself.

[11:38] hey what you're doing?
wanna hang out?

[11:39] yeah sure, shall I come over?

[11:39] just open the door
I'm already there

"what brings you here at this time?" he questioned, whilst wrapping his arms around her.

"my mum was being annoying, did I interrupt anything?" she said, breaking the hug.

"actually yeah, my killing streak" he answered seriously.

"you're such a nerd" she shoved his chest playfully, making him chuckle.

"you know what since we a) haven't planned anything today and b) you're a noob when it comes to video games, I'll be your teacher for today" he stated, leading her downstairs, where his loved playstation was.

"oh wow I don't know if I should be offended or not" she wondered "but why not I guess" she shrugged, following him down the stairs.

Once sat down, Alexa was sitting in between Michael's legs, his arms draped around her. They were both holding the controller, him trying to help Alexa how to kill all those enemies. At first she was just slamming the buttons, as you do, when you have no idea whatsoever. But soon, and with the help of Michael, she began to understand how to no rely on fate entirely. She noticed patterns and what exactly is to be done to kill enemies, rather than just slamming buttons.

Yet no matter how hard Alexa tried, she always died in the end. There was always some character lurking behind her and attacking when she wasn't paying complete attention. She grew frustrated.

"can we do something else, you suck at being a teacher" Alexa whined.

"hey maybe you're the one who sucks" Michael retorted, poking the side of her stomach. She squirmed at the action. "is somebody ticklish?" Michael said with a smirk. Alexa only glared at him in response.

"don't" she stated, her eyes narrowing. Quite obviously that was the invitation for Michael. He began poking her belly repeatedly, making her squeal. Alexa tried to wriggle out of his grasp, to no avail.

"can you please stop" she giggled, her cheeks quite flustered.

"if you grant me one wish" he declared.

"whatever your majesty" she said in between breaths.

"kiss the prince" he stated. There was not a second thought to it, as Alexa immediately pressed her lips to his, already missing the feeling. He was taken by surprise, that she obliged so quickly, but of course he wasn't the one to complain.

"I didn't expect that" he admitted, opening his eyes.

"you thought I wouldn't kiss you?" Alexa asked, almost laughing out loud. Michael turned his head downwards in embarrassment. "dude you're my boyfriend, if it was possible I would never stop kissing you" She placed her finger on his chin, in order to make him look at her. When they locked gazes she spoke "you're such an idiot" before connecting their lips again. The smiled throughout that whole little make-out session. When they broke apart they rested their heads against each other.

"We could watch a movie" he suggested, playing with Alexa's fingers.

"that'd be amazing" she whispered.

"alright, but let's go upstairs, my bed is way more comfortable."

Once they had started the movie, Alexa immediately curled into Michael's side. It was not long until her eyes began to feel heavy and she let them fall shut. Whether it was the soft background noise of the movie or the faint sound of Michael's heart beating in his chest or the way he lightly caressed her arm, she could have just fallen asleep at that point.

"if I don't leave now, I'll fall asleep" she mumbled.

"then don't leave" he answered, kissing the top of her head.

"no my parents are gonna kill me" she said, her voice being a mere whisper.

"no they won't sweetheart" he said, pulling her even closer. "they know me and they know where you are so you'll be fine" he tried to assure her, but she had already fallen asleep cuddled into him. 

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