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When Alexa woke up on the next day she couldn't help but smile. It was one of those big goofy smiles that you cover with your hands, because usually your cheeks are quite pink as well.

Well, Alexa was still in Michael's hoodie and to say she had never buried her face in it would be a complete and total lie. In fact she kept doing that again and again, because it smelt so good. Sleeping in a hoodie is not the most comfortable thing to do in the middle of summer, but there she was doing exactly that.

She was like a giggly school girl who had just had her first crush and now stole a piece of his clothing. All that aside, never did Alexa fall asleep that easily. With his scent lingering in front of her and the taste of his lips on hers still prominent, she slept like a baby. Since the hoodie was so comfortable and the weather was not quite as promising as Alexa had hoped, she kept the hoodie on.

When she walked into the kitchen her mother was quite confused as to what this hoodie was, because it was obviously way too big for Alexa. She however dismissed it as "I had that for ages, don't you remember when we bought it" and somehow her mother did believe that lie. Then the phone buzzed in her pocket. Quickly she took it out. Quite obviously it was a text from Michael.

[10:47] I need help :(

[10:50] with what exactly?

[10:51] i wanna hang up a poster and I can't get it straight

[10:53] nerd

[10:54] are you helping me or what

[10:58] ?

She considered letting him hanging, but that was not an option. She knew very well she couldn't resist his offer. Bidding goodbye to a confused mother she made her way over to her neighbour's house.

[11:03] open the door you idiot

It was at the exact moment Michael opened the door that Alexa realised she was still wearing his hoodie. 'wow this is embarrassing' she thought to herself.

"aw you look cute" he commented, obviously referring to his hoodie. Somehow Alexa looked even cuter in his clothing. He made a mental note to to give her more of his shirts and hoodies.

"thanks, it's really comfy too" Alexa admitted, looking down to her feet.

"c'mon inside" he gestured and the two of them walked inside. Michael walked up the stairs and Alexa followed. She had never actually been in his room before, which is where they were supposedly headed. "so this is my room" he said, walking inside. It was actually nice, everything seemed to fit together well, unlike Alexa's room with furniture from all different places. On the bed, which was in the middle of the room, there was a huge poster of some kind of video game, probably what he wanted to hang up. He was such a nerd, Alexa thought, but somehow that made him even more adorable.

"alright so I'll hold it up" he said walking over to the huge poster "and you tell me if it's straight cause obviously I can't tell" he explained further.

"that is all I have to do?" Alexa asked.

"yup pretty much" he dismissed, stepping on the bed and holding the poster above the window. "unless you wanna stretch up from the bed to get it in place" he teased, knowing very well Alexa would be way too short to do so.

"ah just shut up" she retorted.

"come on and make me" he teased, turning around to face Alexa, a sick smirk on his face. Alexa was sick of his shit, so she took the opportunity and walked over to where he was. She stepped on the bed as well, she almost fell too, but she managed to balance it out. Without thinking about it twice, she stretched up slightly and pressed her lips to his.

Michael was struggling to keep holding the poster up, as Alexa was by no means going to just give a quick kiss to him. His eyes grew wide for a second, as he didn't expect that, but then immediately shut. The way their lips moved against each other turned both of their brains to mush, yet Alexa had a little bit of that determination left. She broke the kiss, only to place more kisses to the corner of his mouth and to his jawline.

His eyes were still shut and slight moans escaped his mouth. Though when Alexa's lips met that specific spot on his neck, fireworks exploded within him. Alexa immediately knew, when she heard a slightly louder moan. She kept placing sweet kisses there, before sucking at the exact spot, making Michael loose all his composure. He let go of the poster, now turning fully around and placed his hands on Alexa's hips, pulling her tighter. By this moment Alexa knew she had won. She pressed on sweet kiss on his lips and walked off the bed, leaving him standing on the bed, the most confused and dumbfounded expression on his face.

Alexa however was completely composed and quite happy with what she did. Now it was Alexa's time to smirk victoriously.

"you" he whispered, squinting his eyes.

"what about me?" Alexa asked fake-innocently.

"you're getting payback, just wait" he said darkly, only earning a chuckle from Alexa. He went on and picked up the poster again. Turning around he held it up.

"a bit to the left" Alexa ordered.

"like this?" he asked.

"a bit up and it's perfect" Alexa said "yup like that"

"could you uhm-" Michael began "hand me the tape?" he asked.

"yeah sure, that one on the desk" she asked sweetly.


Once the poster was hung up the two of them decided on another movie, because let's face it they just wanted to cuddle on the couch, laying as close to each other as possible. Settled down, Alexa placed her head on Michael's chest and he began raking his fingers through her hair, relaxing her a lot.

"do you actually wanna watch a movie?" he asked lowly.

"if you keep playing with my hair, I'm good" she mumbled, smiling against his chest. Michael responded by massaging her scalp, which made her nuzzle her face into his chest, earning a chuckle from Michael. She also brought her hand up and placed it on his stomach, absently drawing shapes. The two closed their eyes, just enjoying the moment.

They layed there like this for quite a while, both of them being completely relaxed and just happy to be in each other's presence. Until Alexa felt the familiar thing on her upper lip. She moved her head and licked her lip, to know for sure, it was blood again.

"shit" she cursed silently.

"what is it?" he said, propping himself up on his elbow.

"I think I'm having a nosebleed" she explained. "could you like- hand me a tissue or something" she said, looking up to the ceiling, hoping she wouldn't stain anything.

"one second" he announced and got of the couch. He went through the drawers, which were on the other side of the room. Soon after he came back with a package of tissues in his hand. He sat back down next to Alexa and pulled on out. Very softly he wiped away the blood that was coming out of her nose.

"you've been having them more often lately, haven't you?" he whispered.

"you noticed?" she asked. She thought it had gone unnoticed, all the times she snuck off to the bathroom.

"of course I did" he spoke lowly, patting her nose again. The fact that he noticed that made her stomach all warm and fuzzy. It felt like somebody cared enough to notice. A feeling Alexa never quite had.

"it's nothing to worry about though" she assured.


a/n: hi to anyone reading, hope you enjoy love you bye 

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