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On the next day Alexa was a giggly mess. All she could ever think about was how his lips felt against her own. How every nerve in her body was bursting and how fireworks were exploding in her guts. And mostly how she just wanted to kiss those beautiful pink lips again. She had to admit, it was not what she thought she would come to.

Alexa and Michael were standing in front of Alexa's house as if it were the most natural thing in the entire universe. Casually conversing, they didn't realize that time passed quite quickly and soon it was actually time for band practice. It was until Calum joined in with the conversation.

"hey guys how's it going" he spoke up, making both Alexa's and Michael's head turn into his direction.

"oh hey didn't see you coming" Alexa said, hugging him from the side. "fine fine how about yourself?" she inquired.

"good good" he said, taking a step back. Since Alexa's hair was tugged up in a ponytail, the deep purple hickey on her neck was not to be overlooked. As soon as Calum spotted that mark, his jaw dropped. "well well" he taunted.

"what?" Michael said quite confused.

"something must have been going on yesterday" Calum raised an eyebrow, pointing to Alexa's discoloured neck. "or today?" he said in fake shock.

Alexa didn't understand what Calum was on about, since she didn't see the big purple hickey resting on her neck. When a smirk appeared on Michael's face, she began to feel really confused. "what is going on guys?"

"he didn't go easy on you did he?" Calum teased, trying to hold in his laughter. "there's a leftover of what went down yesterday on your neck" Immediately Alexa's hand touched the spot and she could feel the bruise under her skin.

Shock painted across her face. Did her parents already see? What were they thinking?

"how bad is it?" Alexa asked, worry washing over her.

"you can basically see it from the moon" Calum stated.

"oh shut up it's not that bad" Michael defended. Alexa panicked at that statement, because even if her parents didn't yet see, she would have to hide it somehow in the next few hours.

"what am I gonna do?" Alexa whined, her cheeks as red as tomatoes. Michael couldn't help but smile, she was so cute.

"next time tell your boyfriend he shouldn't bite" Calum teased and shock washed over the both of them. They had never actually thought about relationship and he just loosely used that word.

"no no he's not my boyfriend" Alexa tried to clear up the situation, quite awkwardly.

"oh I'm sorry" Calum threw his hands up in defeat. "didn't think you'd let strangers bite tho" Calum teased, only to earn a death glare from Michael. "alright alright I'll stop.... Maybe"

"we're just friends okay" Michael stated.

"yeah because friends do that" Calum dismissed. The whole situation was now really awkward and the three of them could feel it. "we better get ready for practice" Calum interjected.

"yeah I'll-" Alexa added unsure of what to say "I'll get going too" she finished, walking on the porch of her house. When the door closed the boys walked over to Michael's house, in silence. The awkward air somehow still didn't diminish.

Once inside Alexa remembered her grandparents were coming round today, meaning she would have to face them and also her parents. The fact that her neck was deeply purple coloured made her stomach churn. How the hell was she going to hide that? Checking the time, she realized she had about twenty minutes left. Fantastic, she thought.

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