Ann, Alexa's mum, was the polar opposite of Alexa herself. Outgoing, chatty and liked people a lot. Whenever she was outside she was talking to somebody. A random passer-by, a neighbour or sometimes even to herself. This also meant that Ann was quite good friends with her neighbours. Alexa hated nothing more than that ever so often really awkward lunch/dinner with the Cliffords. The family was nice, if it wasn't for that stupid boy. God did Alexa hate him.

As Alexa made her way downstairs a nice scent of freshly baked cake made it's way to her nostrils. Intrigued as she was, she went to the kitchen. Turning round the corner, she saw her mum finishing off a really nice looking cake. Alexa's mouth was watering at the thought of this delicious cake.

"why'd you make such a nice cake? Can I have a piece?" Alexa inquired, walking into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry sweety, it's not for you"

"ugggh why nooooooot" Alexa fake whined, pretending to be an annoying child.

"because it's a thank you to our neighbours, who, if you don't remember helped renovating our basement last month" her mother lectured.

"I couldn't care less about that stupid basement, all I care about is that cake right there" Alexa said, moving closer to the cake with wide eyes fixating on it.

"don't you dare" her mother warned. "By the way, you're gonna have to go and bring it over to them, once it's cooled down"

"no way I am going over there" she protested. Her mother was not making her go over to that house. Nothing could make her do that, in fact she would rather die than go over to that house. God knows, maybe that idiot will open the door. His parents are nice though, but what if he opens. Alexa didn't want to imagine.

"oh yes you are, because I have got to go in five minutes, and don't you dare eating that cake" her mother warned one final time, before skipping out the house.

Alexa contemplated everything, every possibility that would have allowed her not to go over to do what she was dreading. She actually considered having a friend over, so they could go and deliver the cake, that would not be awkward at all. She almost called that they should come and get it themselves, yet she didn't because who knows who of the family would have come.

So after about an hour of making out every worst scenario, she decided that she just had to or her mother would be real angry once she got back home. Very carefully taking the beautiful cake in her hands, she walked out the backdoor. One last thought was spend on the benefits of eating the cake, but she discarded it, since her mother would not be particularly happy about it. Ringing the doorbell, she was making out the worst.

"heya beautiful, how are you today" he fake smiled. Alexa internally cursed herself for leaving her room in the first place.

"I'm fine thanks" She contemplated throwing the cake in his face, because he was such a prick. Plus it would have looked and felt hella badass. But she didn't considering the consequences that action would have. She bit it down and tried to play it nice.

"who do I owe this incredible honour of your visit to?" he said sweetly.

"you're such an idiot, my mum obviously made me"

"I'm sorry I'm just being nice" he said, a smirk appearing on his face.

"you are definitely not being nice, you are just trying to piss me off as much as possible, and congrats it's working" she almost shouted.

"oh wow I am sorry" he said sarcastically "did you bake me a cake, honey?" he teased.

"dON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN" She was fuming. It took her every ounce of self-control she had not to smash that cake in his face. If it was a cartoon they were in, she would have definitely had smoke coming out of her ears.

"well, somebody's moody today" he remarked, putting hands up in fake-defeat.

"let me tell you one thing, you are the scum of the earth and I am forced to socialise with you and there are a million other things I'd rather be doing at this very moment but my mum made me bring this cake to your house in reward for some thing your by the way actually lovely parents did and I did it cause I am a nice person so will you please just take the goddamn cake and leave me alone" Alexa spat out, not missing a single breath.

With that being said he took the cake and Alexa stalked off being furious as ever, just because of this one idiot. Michael stood there completely out of his world, not grasping what had just happened. A few moments later he had broken out of the trance he was in and realised that he actually had a cake in his hands. He went inside, still unsure of what had happened just then.

Alexa, on the other hand, was completely out of her mind. She went back to her house, slamming every possible door shut. She was so mad. Why was he like this? Why couldn't she have a normal neighbour? She was not asking for a cute boy or let alone an attractive one. All she wanted was a neighbour who wouldn't be like that. Thinking about it, no neighbour would also be acceptable.

She let her mind wander, what it'd be like being able to go outside in peace for once. How amazing that would be. Letting her mind wander in a darker place, she contemplated what she'd have to do to not see him for a week. After all that thinking she realised it was actually her mother's birthday tomorrow. 'oh shit' she cursed out loud, getting off the bed and making her way to the city-center, hopefully finding something acceptable.

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