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Once again Alexa was woken up by a loud noise. This time she could definitely distinguish what the noise was. It was a familiar loud banging of certain drums and other instruments. Groaning loudly, she pulled her covers over her head, to minimize the noise, which obviously didn't work. The only thing that happened was that she was really hot now. And all she wanted was just to sleep.

After a few attempts of trying to get back to sleep Alexa gave up and got dressed. Since she didn't want to see those idiots she decided on staying inside with one of her favourite books, called 'How To Fall In Love'. It was such a cliché book, but it made her cry every time she read it. She hated having such a cliché favourite book, since she was quite bitter about everything romantic. Maybe because deep down she wished to be romantic, but that would never happen, as she's way too proud to admit that to anyone.

Having almost read half of the book, she was completely torn out of the trance she was in, when her mother burst into the room.

"I called you, why didn't you answer?" her mother seemed to be worried.

"I was just reading, probably didn't hear you, sorry" Alexa said, quite absently.

"whatever, lunch is ready" her mother noted, whilst leaving the room.

Groaning, for what felt like the millionth time today, Alexa got up and went downstairs. She was actually quite hungry; her stomach did make weird noises. That book must have really distracted her, since she didn't notice anything. When she walked into the kitchen she was met with a lovely smell of a certain kind of food she knew she liked, yet she couldn't quite distinguish what it was. It turned out to be one of Alexa's favourites: Pasta with Tomato Sauce.

After finishing lunch, Alexa was dragged out into the garden because her mother wanted her to help with the gardening. On the gardening fair the other day her mother bought quite some stuff, that either needed to be planted or somehow set up. Since Alexa tried avoiding arguments with basically anyone so she went with it. It couldn't that bad after all.

It actually wasn't that bad, at least for the first half hour. Then the sun decided to make it's appearance and basically melt Alexa's brain off. The heat was unbearable. And then there was this other thing. The boys next door decided to have 'practice' again. After they had woken her up earlier today, they stopped at some point and Alexa thought that was it for today, but lord was she wrong. Alexa was so done with them. Could they not have practice at some other place, like maybe on the moon? Even a few houses further down the street would have been acceptable. But no, it was the house next to Alexa's. Just as she thought the day couldn't get any better, the four of them walked outside. The noise was gone now, but she had to face Michael and since last time they saw each other it was very weird and awkward, she dreaded even looking at him. Much to her surprise he also went back to the way they were acting before.

"aw the little girl is helping her parents in the garden how sweet is that" he taunted with a sweet voice.

"at least I'm not annoying everybody with my 'practice'" she said sarcastically putting the word practice into air quotes. It felt so much better being mean to each other.

"just because you have no taste in music whatsoever doesn't mean I don't either" he said in oddly calm voice, almost as if it were a fact. However this made Alexa furious. She knew she didn't have the immense taste in music but music did mean a lot to her.

"this doesn't have anything to do with music you are just making the most noise possible, besides I do have taste in music" she hissed. His rude remarks made her get up from the kneeling position she was in previously. She was beyond furious now.

"you don't" he said simply.

"I do" she almost shouted. Why was this bothering her so much? She had no idea but she just couldn't let it go. This time she needed to win.

"you do not" he was now also getting somewhat angry, determined to win this one.

Without giving Alexa any time to spit any word out Calum, on of his friends, spoke up.

"can't you guys admit you're secretly in love with each other and make out already" he said, whilst throwing his hands up in the air. He was seemingly annoyed by this whole situation. But his statement put both Alexa and Michael in shock. The both of them didn't know what to say. They were basically deers caught in the headlights. Michael also had a little blush creeping up his cheeks. For about a minute there was this horrible throat-clenching silence, almost as if the two weren't breathing.

Then Alexa decided to get herself out of this situation. Not looking at Michael for one second she awkwardly coughed and said "uhm I gotta go" and made her way to the backdoor as quickly as possible.

Once Alexa was inside, Michael spoke up, quite furiously. "What the hell man?" he almost shouted at his friend.

"Dude it's obvious" Calum tried defending himself.

"no it's not I hate her can't you see that" Michael said a little to quick.

"whatever" Calum rolled his eyes "let's get going then" he said being fed up with this whole situation.


(a/n: sorry this is so short and kinda suckish, i am trying to make it not like those see and fall in love fanfics idk hope you like it nonetheless)

i love to hate you | m.c.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя