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Alexa woke up to the rumbling of her stomach. She was beyond hungry. She knew she'd have to get up to get food, but her bed was so warm and comfortable. Ignoring the loud sounds from her belly, she closed her eyes again and tried to go back to sleep. To no avail. After about an hour of tossing and turning she gave up and made her way downstairs. On the kitchen table there was a note.

Gone out with some friends for the weekend, we'll be back by tomorrow
Love mom and dad

It read. "oh nice, I'll have the house to myself" Alexa muttered, being slightly disappointed they didn't tell her in person. She went over to the counter and grabbed her favourite cereal, Nesquick, and poured some into a bowl along with some milk. Sitting down she began chewing mindlessly, not really sure what to do this day, as it was, well, just herself. As if planned, her phone vibrated in the pocket of her sweatpants.

10:24 hey sunshine

When she read the message, she grinned like an idiot. She just couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Michael was actually her boyfriend.

10:25 hey mikey

I've got the house to myself today

Just thought I'd let you know

10:28 oooooooooooo

10:30 don't think that was some kind of invitation

you can come over tho if you want to

10:31 I'll be on my way madam

Not even five minutes later, she heard a knock on the back door. That was something else about Michael. He always came through the back door. Alexa got up from the kitchen table and walked over to the back door. As soon as she opened it up Michael almost jumped in and pulled her in a tight embrace. There was this thing about Michael hugs that you could not describe. Something so soft yet so secure. Just amazing to keep it short.

"you smell sooooo good" she mumbled against his chest. That was another thing, his scent was making Alexa go all delirious. She did like him a lot. Maybe even love him? Shaking her head she discarded that thought, it was not something she wanted to think about right then.

"so what are we doing today?" Michael asked, cheeky smirk playing on his lips.

"don't even" she replied, turning away from him and walking back to the kitchen. Her Nesquick was probably soggy by now, but she was still really hungry so she went for it. Michael followed wordlessly.

"are we gonna watch another movie?" Michael asked, playing with the bracelets on his wrist. He did that when he was either bored or really nervous. This time he was probably just bored though.

"I don't know, I mean we could go out for once" Alexa suggested in between taking scoops of soggy Nesquick. The two of them never really went outside. They were both somewhat couch potatoes, Alexa liked to read, Michael liked to play video games. No need to go outside for either of them.

"outside?" he questioned, disbelief in his voice.

"yeah why not? We're always just moping around, we need some fresh air" Alexa reasoned. "I'll just need to take a shower first" She put the now empty bowl in the sink and then walked up the stairs to her room, Michael following suit.

"I'll be done in about fifteen minutes, you can use my computer or whatever" Alexa said, picking out fresh clothes. Michael sat himself down on Alexa's bed and he pulled out his phone, probably to play some kind of game. Alexa didn't even notice and made her way to the bathroom opposite of her room. She layed down the towel and stripped down, placing the dirty clothes on the side. As soon as the warm water hit her skin she felt relaxed. Nothing was better than a warm relaxing shower after all.

Five minutes in, while shampooing her hair she saw a drop of blood hit the floor. Bringing her hand up to her nose her assumption was confirmed. She was indeed having another nosebleed. In the shower. 'Not again' she muttered to herself, whilst washing the remains of shampoo out of her hair. She thought about how she would get to tissues, to effectively stop the nosebleed, but every way seemed to be getting the blood everywhere first. So she did the only thing that seemed to be avoiding that. She quickly stepped out of the shower, head tilted upwards and then immediately layed down on the cold tiles. Thankfully the towel was in reach, so she dragged it over her exposed body, merely covering what she wanted to cover. There was only one way to get to the tissues now.

"Mikey" she called out. No answer. "Michael" she shouted a little louder "can you please help me" This time he supposedly heard, since footsteps made their way over to the bathroom.

"what do you need me to do?" he asked, head leaning against the closed door.

"come in, I'm not naked, I mean technically I am but just come in" Alexa rambled. He opened the door and shock painted his face immediately.

"hey what's going on with you, you're like really pale is everything alright?" he was getting more and more worried about Alexa by the minute.

"it's nothing, just a nosebleed. Could you please just hand me some tissues, they're over there on the counter somewhere" Alexa instructed and Michael obliged. He grabbed them off the counter and pulled one out, softly dabbing Alexa's upper lip. She closed her eyes. Having nosebleeds usually made her quite dizzy, so she was glad there was somebody there. She was actually glad it was Michael and not just somebody.

"do you have them often, the nosebleeds I mean?" Michael asked softly.

"lately kinda often, yeah, but don't worry about me" Alexa almost whispered.

"but I do worry about you" he spoke, making Alexa's heart grow a million times bigger. A smile twitched on her face. The way Alexa was laying there, eyes closed, wet hair tangled on the floor, only covered by a towel, he couldn't help but admire her. Her arms were bare and little drops of water were still hanging on to her skin. Michael brushed his fingers from her shoulder to her elbow, stopping for a mere second and then going back to her shoulder. With every touch he left a trail of goose bumps. That's the effect he had on Alexa.

The way the small towel was covering her most intimate parts kind of left the sides of her body exposed. Alexa's eyes were still closed and Michael was still sitting next to her. The only thing he wanted to do was touch her, not in a sexual way even. Just to be close to her.

After a while of silence Michael shakily dragged his hand over to Alexa again and began tracing the side of her stomach. Alexa couldn't help but shiver at his touch. It was so soft and tender and the butterflies were going crazy in Alexa's stomach. The way he was softly and so slowly tracing his fingertips along the freshly washed, very sensitive skin was putting her in some kind of trance. The tingling feeling and the butterflies in her stomach just made her realise that she liked this boy a lot. Like really a lot. She might even love him.

Suddenly he stopped and Alexa pouted at the loss of touch, her eyes opening. He chuckled at her response.

"you should go dressed, I don't want you getting sick."

i love to hate you | m.c.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon