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It was the day after Alexa had been released from the hospital. Of course there was nothing wrong with her. The doctors had said it can occur that teenagers faint, which has to do with growing too fast or having enough water. Alexa felt perfectly alright and didn't think about it anymore once she got home.

Everyone else wasn't having it though. Her parents were super sorry about not spending the weekend at home and almost cancelled their long awaited wellness trip. The worst of all was Michael though. He treated her as if she were dead. Not that she didn't like to be cared for, but at some point it was going on her nerves.

Since her parents couldn't leave her alone in the house all weekend they made her go over to Michael's, with the 'don't do anything naughty' talk of course. Alexa only rolled her eyes and bid her goodbyes mid lecture. She was now sat on Michael's bed, whilst he was doing something downstairs. He didn't tell her of course, because she was apparently so ill.

She made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where she would probably find Michael. Also, she was quite hungry, so she went for food as well. He was indeed to be found in the kitchen, preparing some kind of food.

"hey you're supposed to be laying down" Michael said, being offended she didn't oblige to what he said.

"and why exactly?" Alexa asked, walking over to him.

"because you literally fainted yesterday" he threw his hands up in the air.

"and the doctors said I'm fine, so I am" Alexa retorted, growing more and more frustrated. "besides I'm hungry and I was bored"

Alexa grabbed the sandwich Michael was making and took a huge bite.

"oh that is so good" Alexa mumbled, mouth full with food.

"hey" Michael protested, trying to take away the sandwich.

"no way in hell you're gonna get that back" Alexa said, taking a step back.

"at least sit down" Michael gave in, concern evident in his voice.

"dude I'm not dead okay, just forget yesterday happened god" Alexa rambled, whilst pulling out a chair. Michael went silent after her little statement. Then it dawned on her, she had basically just said that he should forget they declared love for each other.

"hey I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way you know that" Alexa looked up at him but he avoided her gaze. She got up and walked over to him. Putting a hand on his shoulder she began moving her thumb up and down. "look at me, I love you okay?" With that sentence a huge grin spread across his face. He was fooling her this entire time.

"you're such an idiot I swear to god" Alexa pushed him slightly

"I love you too" he kissed Alexa's cheek, still giggling. "I can't believe you fell for it so quickly"

"whatever" Alexa dismissed "you're still an idiot"

"your idiot" Michael emphasized, huge grin on his face.

"a cheesy one on top of all" Alexa added.

"c'mon princess, I need to teach you a little more of that game we played last time, you still suck at it and my girlfriend cannot such at the best game in existence." Michael stated and grabbed her hand. Her face heated up at the little gesture. She was still not wrapping her head around the fact that she was actually his girlfriend.

"hey I'm not that bad okay" she croaked out.

"yeah whatever princess"

They had been sitting on the couch for a while now. It was actually Michael who was playing by himself now, since Alexa gave up soon after they had started. She just couldn't do it. But now she was just bored while Michael was completely in the game. Then she thought of him fooling her earlier and how she could pay him back.

He was immensely concentrated on the game of course, so she'd have to find a way to take his attention away from the screen. There was only one thing she could think of, so she started moving a little closer to him, her head resting on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, as he just kept playing. But Alexa went further and sat up a little. She began peppering his neck and jawline with soft little kisses. His breath hitched.

He was still trying to concentrate, yet it became harder by the second. Alexa's hand was now on his thigh and her mouth was very close to his sweet spot. Also the kisses turned into something a little more passionate than they were initially.

"god you need to stop" he croaked out, trying to concentrate on the game, rather than on her lips on his neck.

"but why? Don't you like it?" Alexa mused, knowing fairly well what she was doing.

"I need. to concentrate" he stuttered out, almost incapable of forming sentences. This was all it took for Alexa to attach her lips to his sweet spot and begin sucking. Michael groaned and let his eyes fall shut for a second. Not even paying attention to the game anymore he let go of the controller in his hands and it dropped to the floor. All of his attention was on Alexa now.

He turned around halfway looking Alexa directly in the eyes. She bit down on her lower lip, which drove Michael mad. So he grabbed her by the shoulders and pinned her down on the couch.

"you asked for it princess" he whispered before attaching their lips. 

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