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It was not a thing Alexa would've really loved to do, but let's say her mum has a way with words. So she ended up inviting Michael over for a quite fancy dinner, her parents wanted to get to know him after all. It's not like they've been neighbours for at least five years, but her mother insisted on a nice dinner. To be quite honest it was just another way of making sure that her parents could ask all the questions possible.

To say Alexa was nervous would be an understatement. Her guts were turning, even though it was her own parents. Michael on the other hand was calm as ever as he walked over to the Devito House. Alexa was already sitting on the porch, outside of the house. She was wearing a cute sundress, with a flowery pattern, that ended just below her knees. Nothing too fancy, but slightly dresses up. As she was waiting, she tapped away on her phone.

"hey cutie" he called out, walking up to the house. She looked up from her phone, blushing slightly.

"hey" she said simply, walking towards him. They met in a hug, which calmed Alexa down just a little.

"hey, something's wrong, what is it babe?" he asked pulling away slightly. He could just tell that there was something wrong.

"I dunno, I'm just kinda nervous, I don't even know why" she explained.

"there's absolutely no need for you to be nervous" he laughed, caressing her arm "if anyone should be nervous then that should be me – but I'm not" he stated, letting go of Alexa. They intertwined their hands and walked up the stairs of the porch.

"I know I know I think to much" Alexa said shaking her head. In response to that he squeezed her hand lightly as they walked through the door.

Once inside they were greeted by Alexa's mother, who was overly enthusiastic and quickly led them into the kitchen, having to say hello to her father. As soon as all the hellos were done, the two of them sat down at the table.

"the meal was fantastic, thank you Mrs Devito" Michael said, finishing the last bit of steak on his plate. 'Now the questions can begin' Alexa thought, beginning to feel uneasy. She started playing with her fingers underneath the table, which, quite obviously, didn't go unnoticed by Michael.

She kept on fiddling with the hem of her skirt, when suddenly Michael's hand reached for hers. As he was answering the questions he slowly brushed his thumb over the back of her hand. A gesture that calmed Alexa down. Somehow Michael always knew how to do that.

"So do you know where you're gonna go to college?" Alexa's mum continued the conversation"

"I'm not quite sure yet to be honest, but I have a few in mind" Michael answered firmly, moving his hand from Alexa's lap to her thigh. The butterflies in Alexa's stomach were now on full speed, as he was tracing shapes on her bare skin. "but I think I wanna do something music related" he continued after a beat of silence.

"oh that sounds fantastic" Alexa's dad spoke. "don't you have like a band?" he asked.

"yeah I do actually, my friends and me we're trying our best, but we're still going to school, nobody really takes us seriously unfortunately." Michael responded. His hand was now slightly under the light fabric of Alexa's sundress, making her breath hitch. The way he was slowly moving his hand upwards made Alexa feel a certain kind of way. He on the other hand seemed to be not phased at all.

"oh I'm sure the day will come when you get recognition" Alexa's mother chimed in happily. "besides you already have one super fan, don't you?" she smiled at Alexa.

"uhm yeah sure" was all Alexa managed to say, as his fingers were now playing with the hem of her panties. She was weak on her knees and he was enjoying it. The blush on her face was conformation enough.

"I guess we'll just keep practicing, I mean you can never be good enough, right?" Michael spoke, his hand moving underneath the fabric of Alexa's panties. Alexa gasped, her cheeks the brightest of red.

"everything alright honey?" her mother asked, confusion painted across her face.

"yeah fine" Alexa answered in one breath, swatting away Michael's hand under the table "Michael and I are gonna go chill a bit in my room, if that's okay"

"sure honey" her mother answered and with that Alexa got up and Michael followed suit.

Once in her room she shut the door and just glared at Michael, who was already smirking. "what?" he asked, knowing exactly what this was about.

"what the hell were you thinking?" Alexa spoke, eyes wide, putting her hands in her hair in an exasperated manner.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he teased even further, knowing fair well what she was referring to.

"oh I don't know maybe the fact that you were about to finger me whilst having a casual conversation with my parents" Alexa raised her voice slightly. This boy was driving her mad. Not only was she completely wrapped around his finger, he was also freaking her out.

"don't tell me you didn't like it" he said in a somewhat sad tone, taking a step closer to her.

"of course I liked it, that's the fucking problem here" she said pulling on her hair. "but god imagine how embarrassing that would've been if I didn't stop you"

"I still don't see the problem" he acknowledged.

"fuck okay I am putty in your hands, especially if you do that" she began "do you not see it, I almost had an orgasm. In front of my parents. At the 'get to know my boyfriend dinner' it took everything of me to stop you for gods sake" she said, turning around. She was so done with this boy. But he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close in one swift motion, so their faces were almost touching.

"I'm sorry, okay" he whispered "please don't be mad at me"

"do you think that's like actually possible?" she said equally silent.

"you know, I can always finish what I started back there" he proposed, a smirk evident on his face.

"oh shut up" she shook her head, closing her eyes. But she was taken aback when those lips touched hers in the softest and most tender way possible.


a/n: that's about as much smut (if you can call it that) you'll ever get from me thank you v much 

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