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It was another Tuesday afternoon, the boys decided to practice because Luke and Calum had written a song over the weekend. Quite obviously they wanted to share it. After a while of trying to get it right, the decided on a break.

"sooooooo" Luke wiggled his eyebrows.

"so what?" Michael said mindlessly.

"dude I heard you were all grabby at that barbecue last week" Luke said.

"where did you heart that from?" Michael tried to dismiss the topic.

"doesn't matter" Calum interjected "what matters is what's going on between you two lovebirds"

"what do you mean?" Michael asked dumbfoundedly. He knew exactly what they were on about, but just didn't want to give in yet. If he did, the boys would tease him mercilessly. [insert more maybe?]

"you know exactly what I mean, don't play dumb" Calum smirked, which made Michael quite fidgety. He was bound to tell them eventually, but just not yet.

"so did you have the balls to ask her out yet?" Ashton asked, not so sincerely. The boys laughed out loud, well the boys minus Michael. His cheeks were turning a quite pink colour. The laughter died down eventually and Michael grew somewhat more nervous, even though those were his friends. He began scratching the back of his neck, to ease the nerves somehow. But his voice remained tiny.

"I may have-" he trailed off.



"yeah I guess" Michael trailed of, eyes locked on the floor.

"DUDE THAT'S AMAZING how long have you been eyeing her for? Like forever am I right?" Luke cheered.

"we need to throw a party guys" Calum stated "Mike's finally had the balls to ask a girl out, that needs to be celebrated" he added.

"how about we don't do that okay, we've been together for what? Three days I don't wanna scare her off already" Michael said without taking a breath.

"alright alright chill dude" Ashton said, patting Michael's shoulder.

"wait you've been together for three days and you're only telling us now?" Calum asked all of a sudden.

"well yeah I guess.." Michael trailed off. "I mean.." He dropped his head again, thinking back to how damn nervous he was when he asked Alexa out. His heart was basically beating out of his chest. In all honesty he did not think she was going to say yes. When she did Michael couldn't believe it. A small smile appeared on his face, thinking back to that day.

"she means a lot to you, doesn't she?" Calum asked sincerely this time.

A quiet "yeah" was all Michel managed to say, cheeks as pink as ever.


For the past three days Alexa kept wearing scarves, and that was not because she was cold or anything. Today, however she forgot. The night had been horrible and she barely managed to get a few hours of sleep, before giving in and just getting up. She was tossing and turning for the most part anyways.

Quite obviously Alexa was still half asleep when she made her way downstairs to have breakfast. She didn't think about anything at that point and just reached for a bowl and some cereal. What she didn't notice was her mother watching her intently, as she was sitting at the table.

"did you not sleep well hun?" her mother asked, making Alexa jump.

"uhm, no not really" Alexa tried to form a sentence.

"oh I'm sor- WHAT IS THAT?" her mother exclaimed, spotting the slightly faded bruise on Alexa's neck. It took Alexa a second to register what just happened. When she realised she put her hands over it, in a concealing manner. By now she was beyond embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"who did that to you?" her mother asked sternly.

"uhmmm..... itwasmichael" Alexa said in a very tiny voice.

"I thought you two hated each other" he mother asked, confusion lacing her tone.

"well maybe that changed ?" Alexa more asked than stated.

"changed how?" her mother was now back to being the nosey mother Alexa knew well.

"well.." Alexa trailed off. Suddenly the floor became the most interesting thing ever.

"you do like him, don't you?" her mother asked, a small smile on her mouth.

Alexa's cheeks turned red at this very direct question, because yes, she did like him. She actually liked him a lot. But being asked about it so directly made her all bashful and nervous. She played with her feet on the floor, not entirely sure what she was going to say.

"you do like him" her mother stated. "so are you guys like hanging out a lot then?" she asked, going back to the usual nosey self.

Alexa just gave her that look, but that didn't even phase her mother. She just went on.

"like just tell me something"

"michaelismyboyfriend" Alexa said within one breath, her cheeks being a bright red.

"awhhhh my little baby has a boyfriend" her mother became more and more excited. "tell me everything about him, like is he sweet? Does he hold your hand? Is he a good kisse-"

"mUM STOP" Alexa yelled "that's none of your business".

"but-" her mother tried. She just really wanted to know everything.

"no" Alexa said sternly.

"okay so how about he comes over for dinner tonight, we can get to know each other"

"no mum it'll be so awkward" Alexa didn't want that to happen, but deep down she knew there was no way past it.

"oh c'mon I wanna meet my lil baby's boyfriend." Her mother nudged Alexa's shoulder.

"don't ever call me lil baby again" Alexa stated, finally giving in to her mother's plan.

"but-" her mother tried.

"don't" Alexa warned. 

(a/n: quite short sorry, also there are about seven chapters left and i really wanna finish this story hope you're all good and thanks for reading :)

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