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A few days had passed and none of the two had even dare to think about making a move. They had been hanging out, for sure. They had also been way more than friendly, cuddling closely and blushing to no end. A thing they had been denying was how they were feeling towards each other. His mates had constantly been telling Michael he should tell her, but he never had the guts to.

The four of them were hanging out, playing some video games at Michael's when the questions started again.

"sooooooooo" Calum, teased, nudging Michael.

"so what?" Michael bit back, being so done with all those questions all day and every day.

"how's it going between you and Alexa?" Calum taunted an eyebrow raised.

"I told you nothing's going on" Michael dismissed, concentrating on the screen. He decided to not let them know about anything, because they would just be annoying.

"bullshit" Ashton called. "you fell for her, that's what's going on"

"I did not" Michael hissed, even though he knew what Ashton was saying was the truth. He had fallen for her and not just a little.

"of course you did" Calum called "whenever she's around your whole face lights up. When you "accidentally" touch, however accidental that may be you blush to no end. Man you like her a lot. That's no crime to admit." Calum quite lectured.

Michael didn't say anything. He was quite taken aback by the sudden statement of Calum and didn't really know how to respond. Because deep down he knew well that Calum said all the right things, but the thing was he didn't want to admit it to his friends, because he was not even ready to admit it to himself. He swore he would not fall for girls, because love is stupid. In the end it just hurts and it was all not worth it.

"besides I think she likes you a lot as well" Calum said quite mindlessly, tearing Michael out of his thoughts.

"she hates me" Michael stated, looking down on his lap.

"are you actually being serious?" Luke spoke up. Michael thought he didn't even listen to the conversation, he seemed to be too concentrated with the game he was playing. Luke looked Michael dead in the eye. "you're so stupid" he said, looking away again and shaking his head.

"she basically has heart eyes whenever she sees you, besides why would she be hugging you if she hated you?" Calum asked.

"I don't know" Michael admitted quite silently.

"you just gotta tell her how you feel about her" Calum said, patting Michael on the back.

"I can't do that" Michael stated, gaze fixated on the distance.

"why not?" Ashton asked.

"dude I'm way too nervous around her, I can't just say that" Michael said matter of factly.

"goddamnit grow some balls, you're a big boy" Calum taunted and Michael shot an evil glare in his direction. "just tell her" he dismissed, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

Michael knew that he should tell her at some point, he just couldn't muster up the confidence quite yet. The boys had left a while ago, which left Michael alone in his house. He wanted to see Alexa, but didn't want to be like clingy.

He really wanted to tell her, but there was something inside of him, that didn't let him. Pacing along the room, he contemplated what to do. After a while of almost going nuts, he decided he would just go over and tell her. Just like that. He went outside and saw Alexa in her garden, reading a book.

"hi" he called. Alexa's head shot up and once she noticed Michael her eyes lit up and she skipped over to the fence.

"what's up?" she said.

i love to hate you | m.c.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن