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Michael: [13:34] hey

Alexa: [13:47] sup idiot

Michael: [13:48] rude
what's up this afternoon?

Alexa: [13:50] nothing planned

Michael: [13:53] you could come over

Alexa: [13:55] I'll think about it

Michael: [13:56] what is that supposed to mean?

Alexa: [13:59] 👽

Michael: [14:01] I don't understand

Alexa: [14:04] I'm on my way ;)

Michael: [14:07] I knew it

Alexa: [14:10] you knew what

Michael: [14:11] that you couldn't resist ;)

Alexa: [14:13] yeah sure
just open the door

As Alexa was waiting in front of Michael's door, she couldn't help but smile. This idiot had become such a huge part in her life and even though they had just seen each other yesterday, she was kind of missing him. When the door opened, her eyes lit up. Immediately she wrapped her arms around the boy in front of her. God was he smelling nice.

"don't you want to go inside?" he whispered after a while of hugging her.

"you smell so goooood" she mumbled against his chest. He let out a chuckle and in response she pulled him a little tighter "I don't wanna let gooooo"

"c'mon" he said and when Alexa didn't reply, his hands went to her waist. Soon after, his fingertips met with the skin just above the waistband of her pants. She gasped at his touch and broke the hug up. A victorious smirk appeared on his face, to which Alexa playfully hit him. Michael took her hand and dragged her inside. Alexa thought back to the moment just before and wondered where the hell all that affection came from, when a few weeks ago they wouldn't even look into each other's eyes. She decided to let that thought go soon after.

"you can go downstairs already, I'll be there in a minute" Michael announced and Alexa complied. She mindlessly walked down the stairs, into the already quite familiar basement. It was where she had watched them play for the first time. The room was actually quite big and she was standing in the middle of it, taking in all the details. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Michael being behind her.

Only when Michael put his hands around her waist, she was torn out of her trance. She jumped slightly at his touch, but was immediately pulled a little closer. Nuzzling the back of her head into his chest she was met with his scent. It was that kind of scent, that would make your knees all weak. His hands moved further up Alexa's body, stopping just below her boobs. Alexa's heart began beating really fast at his gentle touch and very close proximity.

They stood there like that for a few moments, until Michael decided to make a move. He tilted his head downwards until he was only an inch away from Alexa's neck. The way his warm breath hit the delicate skin on Alexa's neck gave her that tingling feeling. That warm, bubbly feeling at the pit of her stomach. That feeling that turned her brain to mush. She shut her eyes, tilting her head a little to the side.

Michael took that as an invitation and started to kiss her neck. He placed soft, lingering kisses from her collarbone up to just below her ear. Alexa's every hair was standing up, eyes still shut in pleasure.

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