Chapter 4: A Little Moment.

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Taylor decided to invite Karlie out for brunch at one of her friend's cafe in Brooklyn instead of just going for coffee. She knew Karlie had work at 2 p.m even though it's a Saturday. Well after all, she is a doctor. A hot one too. Taylor wasn't going to waste any time and went straight to pick Karlie up at her apartment at 10 a.m sharp. She sent out a text to Karlie earlier saying that she's 10 minutes away. On the way to Karlie's place, she looked out her car window with high spirits and thanked god for a beautiful weather today, hoping it all goes according to plan.

When Karlie read it, she was nervous yet excited at the same time. Nervous because she was too busy tidying up her apartment a little bit, here and there in case Taylor were to come up, that she didn't leave much time for herself to get dressed. And excited because who wouldn't be? One, because you're going out with this girl that you fancy and two, well that girl happens to be Taylor Swift. When Karlie heard her phone ringing, she knew it was Taylor calling and it was her cue to leave her apartment. "I'm almost ready Taylor. I'll be down in just a minute". 

Hearing her voice already made Taylor smile and before she hung up, she replied "Don't take too long. I have a surprise for you". Surprise?? What surprise? Karlie thought to herself and the more she thought about it the slower she was in leaving her apartment. She took one final look at herself in the mirror at the living room before heading out. Her hair down, slight hint of makeup on her face though she doesn't really need it, a white short lace sundress, perfect compliment to the weather today paired with gladiator sandals. She placed her bag over her shoulder and she was off to meet Taylor, who's probably starting to get tired of waiting. 

As Taylor's bodyguard opened the car door for Karlie, both their faces beamed with a radiant light that not many get the privilege to witness. Karlie stood there, frozen for a second, looking at how beautiful and cute Taylor looked in her outfit with her signature red lipstick. Karlie looked down to the ground, biting her lip, trying to hide her obvious big smile but it was too late. Taylor noticed it as all her attention and focus was on her. Karlie eventually got in the car and they exchanged kisses on the cheeks and they were off to their destination.

First stop, Leon's Cafe. Taylor got out first and offered Karlie some help which she kindly accepted. Taylor did mention to her friend, Leon once or twice about Karlie through texts and the day before their brunch, she sent him another text saying that she would be bringing Karlie there tomorrow. Taylor also went as far as asking Leon if he could create a special menu for them that day. 

Both of them were greeted by Leon as soon as they stepped inside the 1900s french decor cafe, with some light jazz playing in the background. They exchanged polite pleasantries and they were seated at a more private section of the cafe. Taylor winked at Leon as a sign of how well he knew her and that she wanted more privacy while getting to know Karlie. He excused himself and went straight into the kitchen to start cooking their meals. Leon was a bit surprised though. He had never seen Taylor put this much effort into any of her dates. Well, as far as he's aware of. 

Everything was perfect and the ambiance made Karlie feel as if she was in Paris again. When they were finally alone, Karlie couldn't help but ask Taylor again what's the surprise but she knew the other girl would remain tight lipped about it. That's why they call it a surprise in the first place. "So you're not gonna even give me a small clue about what the surprise is?" Karlie said, pouting her lips. Taylor looked at her and gave her a grin. "You're just gonna have to wait till after brunch. It's part of my plan to keep you longer with me, you know, in case you got bored of me." Taylor said while showing a fake frown. 

"Yea right, as if anyone could ever get bored of you. Which is kinda annoying yet adorable." Karlie pinched Taylor's cheek playfully and they had a cute little moment together. Both couldn't help but melt as they gaze into each other's eyes. It was quickly interrupted when the waiter brought over their starters. As the waiter placed the food on the table, both girls looked down to their table napkins and let out a small giggle. Soon, the girls dig in and occasionally fed each other their delicious food. Taylor couldn't help but just stare at Karlie at one point when she moaned to how good the food was. It was so endearing and Taylor couldn't help but feel more for this girl.

They ended their meal with a slice of french vanilla mille crepe and chocolate soufflé which just so happened to be Karlie's favourite dessert too. They were both feeling so satisfied and full that they didn't want to move an inch. Everything about that brunch "date" was easy, playful and not a dull moment insight. But it doesn't end there just yet. 

(So I feel like this chapter is a bit too short compared to the others that I've written but it was on purpose ;) I'm on a short break right now. So I planned to write a few chapters one shot and publish them slowly. Remember to vote,comment or follow. Thanks!)

Kaylor AU : How It All Started.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن