Chapter 23: The Incoming Call.

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Back at Karlie's parents house, she walked through the door feeling defeated. On top of that, she felt exhausted and hungry though she still had little mood for anything. Tracy came walking into the hallway when she heard someone coming in and instantly gave Karlie a hug.

"Karlie, where's Taylor?" Tracy questioned.

"She's outside, unloading things from the car," Karlie replied softly, given the remaining strength she has left after today.

"Okay. I'll go and help her. You go on upstairs, freshen up and maybe get some rest before dinner."

"Thanks, mum." That's all Karlie said before walking up the stairs, hand on the railings for extra support.

As she was about to carry some bags and the picnic basket out of the car, she heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey Taylor, need some help with those?" 

"Hi, Tracy. Yeah sure. Just the picnic basket and I'll manage the rest." Taylor replied with a gentle smile.

"Taylor, dear, I just want you to know how thankful I am that Karlie has you in her life, especially right now. With everything that's going on with Toni and Karlie being upset, I'm pretty sure you guys didn't have a great day as planned. 

"It's alright. I'm just as thankful to have your daughter in my life and I understand what she's going through right now."

Tracy smiled back sympathetically after hearing Taylor's reassuring words.

"Taylor..." Tracy hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to use.

"Love her, with all you have, even if or when... it gets difficult," Tracy continued on.

"I intend to," Taylor smiled shyly and said firmly.

 Tracy squeezed Taylor's hand and gave her a hug before going back into the house, picnic basket in hand.

After the day they had, Taylor felt much better since talking to Karlie's mum and with Karlie taking a nap, she figured she would head back to her hotel alone instead.

"Tracy, I'm going back to my hotel for a bit, just to get change in some new fresh clothes and maybe get some rest."

"Okay, we'll see you for dinner then?" Tracy questioned, uncertain if Taylor was going to join them or not.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll talk to Karlie later. I have to go now. Bye."

"Bye." Tracy waved to Taylor as she was closing the door.

[5 hours later]

Someone was at the door, ringing the bell. Taylor was fast asleep till the sound woke her up.

"Hey, sleepyhead." The person on the other side of the door said.

Taylor was still rubbing her eyes when she opened the door, her vision slowly becoming clear.

"I see you forgot to dry your hair again before sleeping." It had become a recurring thing for Taylor to be so forgetful.

Taylor smirked and leant on the side of the door.

"Are you going to let me in?"

"Sorry. Come in." 

As Karlie walked through the door, she placed a kiss on Taylor's lips and forehead. For that split second, Taylor felt as if everything was back to the way it was, Karlie wasn't distracted and all her attention was on the older girl.

"Tay, why did you come back here without me?" Karlie asked, worriment in her eyes.

"We were both tired and when I went upstairs you were fast asleep. So I figured I'd come back myself. I told your mum I'd come back and get some new clothes anyways. Plus, I... wanted to give you some space." Taylor walked towards Karlie who sat on the armrest of the sofa, now playfully holding her girlfriend's hand.

"Babe, I never need any space from you. I love all my time with you and you're the only one I want to spend it with. But if you need space from me, as much as I would hate that, I would understand it."

"But I only gave you space because... I thought that's what you needed."

"You're what I need. Okay?" Karlie said, head slightly tilted with a small pout on her lips.


"I know I've been distracted  with everything going on about Toni but I'm just worried about her, you know, we've known each other for so long. I still feel like its partly my fault."

"Kar, when are you going to realize you can't put the blame on yourself? You didn't know that she was gonna disappear, okay?" Taylor lifted the younger girl's chin to look into her eyes.

Karlie pulled the singer closer and hugged her, head resting on her chest.

"Come, let's go to bed. I'm tired." Taylor pulled away from Karlie and grabbed her hand to lead the way into the bedroom.

[1 week later]

Taylor had a key to Karlie's apartment and wanted to surprise her after work to stay in for a romantic candlelit dinner instead of going out and facing dozens of paparazzi. She was well prepared for the night. Earlier in the day, she went to Whole Foods to personally handpick all the groceries that she needed along with their favourite bottle of red wine.

As she got into the apartment, she headed straight for the kitchen, wasting no time in case Karlie got off work early. Soon after putting on Karlie's red signature apron, Taylor quickly got busy with chopping and dicing some of the ingredients. In no time, she was done with everything. Even the cleaning too. She looked around and couldn't help but praised herself for doing so good in such a short amount of time. 

She started lighting up some candles when she noticed the time, expecting Karlie to be home soon. Everything was laid out on the table along with soothing melody in the background. Taylor then quickly rushed to the bathroom for some final touch up on herself. 

All of a sudden, there was an incoming call on Karlie's apartment landline. After a few unanswered rings, the caller left a voicemail instead. 

"Hey, Karlie. I haven't heard back from you about the Cape Town trip and I spoke to Toni today. She's doing better and I also found out where she's been staying. So yeah call me back when you can and I'll take care of the rest. Bye."

Taylor couldn't figure out who the unknown caller was just by listening to his voice. But one thing's for sure, she hadn't heard it before.

And as if right on cue, Taylor heard keys fitting into the keyhole. Karlie was home.

Taylor was furious and she didn't understand why Karlie hadn't mentioned any of this to her before. She thought to herself what else has Karlie been keeping from her. But her emotions got the best of her and clouded her judgments. Instead of talking about it with Karlie, she grabbed her purse and coat hanging over the chair and just bolted out of the apartment.

Karlie, no doubt was stunned by Taylor's unexpected appearance and why she ran off the way she did.


"Enjoy your meal,"  Taylor said harshly, not making eye contact with Karlie at all.

Karlie chased after her girl but it was too late. The lift closed, offering them no time to even say another word. With her apartment on the 8th floor and only one working lift at that time, Karlie didn't think twice and quickly used the stairs.

Sadly, she wasn't fast enough. When she reached the lobby, the lift was empty and Taylor was nowhere to be found.

A/N: Updates have been really slow lately. My apologies for that. Have been busy celebrating the holidays. It's Chinese New Year where I come from and to all my Chinese readers, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Hope you guys had an amazing celebration with your family and loved ones. As always, thanks for reading and remember to comment & vote. Love y'all. Bye.

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