Chapter 12: The Red Roses.

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Shortly after ending her call with Karlie, Tree came back to check up on her like she said she would. They went over Taylor's schedule for this trip, an appearance at a local charity event and the remaining days stuck in the recording studio with Ed over their new collaboration. When their discussion ended, Taylor decided to jump in the bathroom for a quick shower. What Taylor heard next made her wish she closed the door quicker. "Taylor, I saw the guest list. She's also gonna be there tomorrow." Tree kept quiet, letting the information sink in for a bit and gave Taylor a second to think.

After a few minutes, there were still no words. Her suite was filled with deafening silence. "Taylor?" Tree called out again, wondering if Taylor had heard what she said at all. "Yea, okay." That's all Taylor could mutter out with a weak voice. It's as if after talking to Karlie every single time, bad news follows right after. Feeling suffocated that she can't catch a break. Taylor leaned against the side of the door, closing her eyes for a second and taking in a deep breath. She told herself it's okay, she's mature enough to handle anything that comes in her way. She knew this day would come. It was inevitable and she would rather get through it now than later.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Tree asked again, a more concerned tone in her voice now. "Yea, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," said Taylor with a smile as she enters the bathroom again. In the shower, she did all she could to push unimportant thoughts away and just focus on Karlie. Once the blonde girl came to mind, it consumed all of her thoughts and she was slightly happier again, thinking back all their silly memories and their late nights staying over at each other's places. When she was done with her shower, she quickly got ready and left her hotel soon after for her dinner date with Ed and Selena.

Meanwhile back in New York, Karlie had a little surprise of her own. A thousand red roses was waiting for her on the reception desk as soon as she walked into her clinic. At first, she didn't notice it and when she finally did, her mind went straight to one of her nurse, thinking how lucky they are to be receiving such beautiful flowers from their loved ones. One of the nurses then pointed out that it was actually Karlie who's the lucky one. She opened the card that came along with it and it read, "Dear Karlie, here's a little something to remind you of me. Love, Taylor." She was blushing uncontrollably. At that moment, everyone envied her.

She didn't want the beautiful flowers to go to waste so she asked one of the nurses to take some and pass it around to the others, sharing the love with them also. And the remaining flowers to be placed in Karlie's office for her to bring it home later.

"Doc, your first patient is waiting for you in Room 1." The nurse ran after Karlie as she was about to enter her office.
"Yea, okay. I'll be right out. Just give me a minute." Before putting on her white coat and leaving the room, she stared at the card once more, thinking about Taylor and how sweet and caring she is.

With Karlie focused on her clipboard, she didn't notice who the patient was until after she closed the door behind her. "Hi Karlie," said a voice so familiar that it's impossible for Karlie not to remember. Karlie just looked straight at her, blankly, obviously stunned by her presence. "Umm hey, Toni. What are you doing here??" Karlie was stuttering, didn't know what else to say. Okay so maybe Karlie had more than a little surprise. "I moved here just last week and obviously I needed to visit you, silly," Toni said as she jumped off the table and ran towards Karlie for a big hug. Karlie mirrored what the other girl did and hugged her back. 

"Don't you miss me? And why are you being so quiet?" Toni chuckled at Karlie, who was acting all weird, almost as if they were strangers, unrecognizable to each other. "Of course I miss you, it's just that I wasn't expecting to see you here, in New York." Karlie could now form her words better after wrapping her head around the idea of Toni standing right in front of her. "Yea sorry bout that though. I told your nurse that I'm a close friend and I wanted to surprise you. Hope you're not mad." Toni explained. "Now who's the silly one? Of course not. Why would I be mad?" Karlie tried her best to sound convincing, almost succeeding. 

"By the way, those roses outside were beautiful. Who are they from? A special someone? Must be right, considering the amount of roses they bought." At this point Toni was rambling, nervous that her predictions are right and Karlie just stood there quietly, allowing her to continue on till she finally stopped speaking.

"Yea, it's from someone that I met recently. And it's pretty great so far." Karlie who had a wide smile on her face, didn't mean to rub it in her ex's face but it was the truth. Toni was awfully quiet for a second before replying, "Oh that's great." There was a hint of disappointment in her voice and Karlie caught the sound of it. 

To be honest, if Karlie hadn't met Taylor yet, she would have been ecstatic to see Toni again. Part of Karlie will always love her and the reason they broke up wasn't because things didn't work out or they aren't compatible for each other. It was because at that time, Karlie was preparing to move from St. Louis to New York for her job and they decided to call it quits. Toni also had to stay put and help take over her family's business. The news came to a shock for many of their friends and relatives with some saying that they should give long-distance a try. But they knew it was the right decision for them. They were simply being realistic and practical about the situation.  

"Anyway, I should probably get out of here and let you get back to work. But let's have coffee sometime and catch up maybe?" Toni said as she was getting her bag and coat from the table. "Yea, let's have coffee soon, for sure," Karlie replied and they hugged once more before Karlie walked her to the door. After seeing Toni out, Karlie started wondering would things ever get awkward if or when Taylor and Toni cross paths. Without waiting any longer, she reached into the pocket of her coat and grabbed her phone, quickly dialing Taylor's number.

(Sorry for the lack of Kaylor in this chapter. Happy reading and hope you guys still like it tho. Remember to vote and comment below. Have a great day guys!)

Ps: I'm very conflicted right now. I want Kaylor to be all mushy with each other and not apart. Just thought ya'll should know this :/

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