Chapter 27:The Next Morning..

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A/N: I'm back bitchesss!!! I hope some of you guys still miss this story and if you can't remember what happened, I strongly suggest that you all start reading again from chapter 23. I read it again myself cause it has been so long that I don't even remember what I wrote anymore. And a lovely reader asked me nicely yesterday to update so here it is. Short chapter, but trust me, it's not easy writing anything these days. Especially if you've gotten as lazy as I am. But I'm trying to keep my word and finish this story. Like and comment to make this story going. Thank you.


Taylor woke up and looked around the room, wondering how she got here in the first place. Did she embarrass herself and her security team had to put her into her own bed? She couldn't even recall where she had been the whole time yesterday. She slowly removed the covers off of her body and got up. As soon as she stood on her own two feet, she felt a sharp pain in her head. A migraine no doubt after all the shots she had yesterday. She even had to reach out to the wall next to her bedside table to get support.

Slowly images of last night came creeping into her mind, she remembered little details of different events. She remembered a ferris wheel, a mysterious club she couldn't remember and shots. Lots of shots. That image nearly made her puke on the floor. She quickly rushed to the bathroom with her hand covering her mouth, almost knocking over a lamp in the process.

She was busy throwing up that she didn't hear Karlie's footsteps.

"Here, let me help you," Karlie said as she placed a glass of water and a box of Advil on the counter before helping the poor girl pull her hair back.

"Karlie, what.. are.. you.. doing.. here?" Taylor said in between her slightly embarrassing moment.

Karlie didn't answer. Instead, she handed tissues to Taylor to wipe off any excess at her mouth.

"Wait, more importantly, how did you get in?" Taylor asked again, more persistent this time after wiping her mouth clean.

"I went back to my apartment yesterday and found this on the floor," Karlie said as she took the specific square box from her back pocket and showed it to Taylor.

"It must have dropped out of your bag when you left," Karlie added, passing the glass of water and the Advil to Taylor.

"Thanks." That's all Taylor managed to say.

"Still, you shouldn't have come over. I didn't give it to you. You have no right using it."

Taylor's words cut deep into Karlie's soul and it felt like someone had just cut open a wound.

"I wouldn't have to do this in the first place if you would just talk to me and if I wasn't here you'd have slept with the twins last night."

"Twins? What twins?" Taylor said with a raised eyebrow as she tried to think back last night's events.

"The twins who had their hands wrapped up all around you." Karlie's voice was shaking.

"Don't try to turn this around on me. I'm not the one who kept a secret from her girlfriend." Taylor snapped.

"That's not what I'm doing. But imagine what would have happened if I didn't show up and you slept with them last night. Look, all I'm trying to say is that avoiding me and putting off our fight is not going to make anything better. It's only making things worst. I don't even know what we are right now."

"Me too," Taylor said lowly.

"So can I stay for us to figure this out together?"

"Only because you took care of me last night," Taylor said before turning on the shower.

After getting all cleaned up, they talked for hours while eating whatever that Karlie had whipped up from Taylor's fridge.

"Thanks for cooking," Taylor said.

Taylor wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin and cleared her throat.

"So, let's talk."

"Okay. Let me just start of by saying again what a BIG idiot I am for not telling you about the trip."

Taylor nodded.

"And I'm so sorry for that. So so sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

It was dead silent for a while till Karlie reached over for Taylor's hand and was surprised the older girl didn't pull away.

"I missed you," Karlie said looking into Taylor's blue eyes. "And the past few days has been shit without you."

"I missed you too," Taylor said softly, almost like a whisper.

Karlie's smile was so wide that her cheeks was starting to hurt.

"And about the trip..." Karlie said hesitantly, slowly bringing up the elephant in the room.

"I'm going, only as a friend, just to make sure she's okay. And I'd like for you to come with me, if you're not busy with anything." Karlie tilted her head slightly, waiting for a reaction from Taylor.

"Cape Town is so beautiful this time of the year. We can walk on the beach, roll in the sand and stay for the sunset. Come on, you know you want to..." Karlie said as she started tickling the singer, causing her to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Okay, okay, only if you stop tickling me."

"Is that a yes???"

Taylor nodded and Karlie pulled her in for a giant hug, so tight that it was starting to hurt her but she didn't mind the pain. She would have stopped Karlie if she didn't enjoy it so much.

Karlie finally lets go of her girl but the wide smile on her face sure wasn't disappearing.

"On one condition though," Taylor said.


"No more lies or secrets from now on."

"Never again. Promise."

They pinky promised.

"Well, then there is one more thing I need to tell you." Karlie paused for a second.

"I love cats too but I'm more of a dog person." 

That made the both of them laugh and Karlie even earned a playful push from her girlfriend.

It goes without saying that Karlie stayed over that night for some long overdue cuddles and playtime.

The next morning..

Karlie got up to make coffee for two and when she went back into Taylor's room, she saw her on her laptop, excitedly looking for interesting must-see places to visit while in Cape Town. Karlie handed over Taylor's cup of coffee as she was busy planning out the activities and couldn't help but get just as thrilled as the older girl.

"Thanks, babe."

"You're welcome," Karlie said, leaning in to kiss Taylor's cheek lightly.

Things are finally feeling normal again.

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