Chapter 16

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Since Ruby has been gone the nightmares bad been getting even worse. If that was even possible. I looked at my phone and I had a text from my mum saying she would pop round sometime soon. No idea when that would be. It could be in 10 minutes or two days, you never knew with my mum.

I cried I bit more but a knock on the door snapped me out of it. Thinking it was my mum I looked in the mirror and wiped my eyes, they were bloodshot but I'd just tell her I was crying at a sad film. She was gullible enough to believe it. I sloppily walked to the door and opened it. To my surprise I saw Ruby smiling at me. My insides got all bubbly but my brain was numb from the crying.

"Helloooooo0" she beamed. Acting like everything was fine.

I smiled a little she could tell something was wrong. She squinted her eyes and furrowed her thick dark well groomed brows.

"H-have you been crying?" She stuttered.

"No" I tried to laugh it off. "It was a sad film."

Ruby wasn't as gullible as my mum. And gave me a look to say "I know you're lying."

She let herself in and looked around. I mentally kicked myself for not putting away the groceries. She raised a eyebrow. She walked over the cabinet where I kept my meds.

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked.

She ignored me and looked in it.

"You have so many pills here Alice. There shouldn't be this many. Why haven't you been taking them?" She asked.

I looked at the ground awkwardly refusing to answer the question.

She walked over to my bedroom and looked at my pillow. There was a obvious wet stain there. I was embarrassed.

"Your therapist said you have to keep to your medication. That was the rule of you staying by yourself." She told me.

"No she didn't." I said honestly. I crossed my arms like a stroppy teenager.

"What do you mean?" Ruby looked confused as hell.

"She didn't say I could stay by myself actually. She said i should wait a little longer. I lied."

Ruby sank to the bed and put her hands to her head.

"I should never have gone away." She muttered.

"I don't need a damn babysitter. I got down for a couple of days, but if you went through what I did. So would you. I'm fine now. So stop." I said quite angrily.

She looked annoyed but her eyes soon softened when she stood up and looked down at me.

It was silent for a moment before she spoke up.

"Are you okay?" She asked

I was about to roll my eyes but I felt so weak. I just wanted to sleep. I was exhausted.

"No." I started to sob.

I felt Ruby wrap her arms around me and shh'ed me

I stayed in her arms for what felt like forever.

"I've been a mess since you were gone. And I don't want you to feel guilty." I said between sobs.
"It wasn't because you left, I was just over thinking everything about my old life and my family, and then you didn't reply and then I saw you at the store with some pretty girl, and I thought you had moved on." I spluttered out.

I looked up at Ruby and she looked so sad.

"Oh Alice." She said whilst holding up my chin so I would meet her gaze.

"I lost my phone. I wanted to ring you but I didn't know your number. That girl in the store was at the shoot with me, she's my ex but we're good friends now, she was feeling down so I offered to help her with her groceries and then I was going to come straight here and explain myself. I literally got back home about two hours ago."she said.

I felt so stupid. I bet she thought I was lame now.

"I'm so sorry for thinking otherwise." I told her.

"It's okay, love"

She crawled on the bed and beckoned me to join her. I did what she asked craving for her touch. I lent up and gave her a passionate kiss. She yawned. Which was adorable. I turned onto my side and let her spoon me. We both fell asleep quickly and happily.


I've been writing for hours so I'm sorry if none of the last few chapters are good I'm so tired lol. I hope you enjoyed this please vote and stuff hope you all are having a good day

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