Chapter 10

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I decided to go home half way through the day, I knew if I wanted any freedom I had to keep my mum happy, I didn't want to leave Ruby though, so I told her to tag along. We got out of her car and walked inside my house.

"Hello!" I shouted.

My mum came in and embraced me with a hug.

"Hi sweetie, did you have a good night?"

"Yeah it was really good." I grinned at Ruby.

The tension in the room seemed to rise so I changed the subject.

"So when will I be able to move into my apartment?" I asked following my mum into the sitting room. Ruby and I sat on one couch whilst my mum sat on the other one opposite.

My mum played with her hands staying silent. I knew she was nervous because it was a bad habit I did when I was nervous too.

"Mum?" I egged her on wanting a response.

"Well...I thought you could stay here for a little while longer, just till you get used to things.."

"No mum, I want to get my own place and feel like a normal person again. I can handle it." I argued.

My mum looked apprehensive.
"Talk to your therapist you have a session today, if she says you're fit to live by yourself then fine. It's up to her."

I groaned. "Okay." Knowing my chances of Mrs Griffin clearing me weren't high.

"It's at 4pm so make sure you're back in plenty of time." My mum ordered.

Ruby piped up for the first time.

"I can drive her there if you want, it will make things easier."

My mum didn't seem so pleased but she agreed.

"Ruby would you like to stay for tea tonight? I like to get to know people Alice associates herself with."

I wasn't looking forward to this. My parents were really judgemental, they hated the way I dressed and most of my friends, and I know they think that tattoos are trashy and that
"You shouldn't mess with gods masterpiece" which was total bullshit. I just hope they aren't too rude to her.

"I would like that, thank you Mrs Jones." Ruby said politely.

Most mothers would insist on them calling them by her first name. Not my mum. You had to be really special to use her first name.

I took Ruby back to my bedroom and I laid on my stomach going through my texts. Ruby sat there quietly. I ignored her I knew she would talk when she wanted to.

I texted my friend Yaz. I hadn't seen her yet since I was back. I felt bad.

"Hey, I'm good thank you😘 hope you are too..yeah tomorrow sounds good. I'll come about 11ish?

I sent the message. Yaz lived about 6 minutes away and wanted me to go see her tomorrow, I was slightly excited but mainly nervous. I didn't know if she had a new best friend now.

I flicked through Facebook for the first time and I saw I was tagged in hundreds of statuses and people writing on my wall.

They all said mainly the same things

"So glad you're back. Stay strong. Always here for you."

I went back to earlier posts and I saw the year anniversary of me going missing. People were genuinely upset that I was gone. I was a liked girl but I didn't even know half them. Most of the messages went along the lines of

"Year since you've been gone, I miss you so much please come home safe and sound."

That particular message was from Apryl. Tears welled up in my eyes. I realised how much I missed my friends and my old life. Everything was perfect.

I pushed away the tears and went even father back to the few days I had been gone.

"Has anyone seen Alice Jones? She hasn't been home for 24hrs everyone is really worried about her."

"Anyone know Alice's whereabouts?"


I went back to a few months before, when everything was normal.

I was tagged in various peoples pictures of us at parties, or at festivals. Everything was perfect back then.

I closed down the app and saw Ruby still staring out the window in deep thought.

"You okay?" I asked.

She just nodded and stayed silent.

After 5 minutes of silence Ruby piped up.

"Your mum really doesn't like me does she?" She seemed almost...sad or disappointed.

"She's just not used to you, she will warm up to you eventually. Don't take it to heart she does this to all my friends." I tried cheering her up.

She smiled.

"My friend Apryl, when we first became friends she refused to come over to my house after a,while because she hated how mean my mum was to her." I laughed.

"Just show her you aren't afraid of her, without being rude and she'll get over herself." I told her.

"Okay. Thank you," Ruby looked happier finally.

"You have a beautiful smile." I said honestly.

Her eyes gleamed.

"Well you have a beautiful face." She whispered in my ear. I let out a little giggle.

"Thank you." I said biting my lip.

We were staring at each other for a good while before she slowly leaned in and pressed her lips against mine in a soft kiss.  The kiss deepened, her tongue ran over my bottom lip asking for entrance. I happily accepted, pulling her closer. I ran my finger along her collarbone feeling her shiver underneath me. She moaned softly and I couldn't bite back my smirk.

She retaliated by slipping her hand up my shirt, rubbing small circles on my lower back. I smiled as I finally broke the kiss off.

"As much as I enjoy this, I think it's time we set off to see my shrink." I rolled my eyes.

Ruby let out a heartwarming laugh.

"You're right."

"LETS GO!" she shouted which left me in fits of giggles.

I ran out to her car enthusiastically forgetting to even say goodbye to my parents.

I knew she wouldn't like that and would probably give her another reason not to like Ruby. But in this moment I didn't care.

Ruby put the roof down and drove fast. We put on some music really loud and we were both singing loudly like goofballs. The wind was blowing my hair in every direction. I was enjoying the freedom.

"I look a mess" I pouted when we pulled up.

"A hot mess." Ruby smirked.

I leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"See you in a hour" I said.

She waved and drove off and I walked into the building.

I let out a huff. Here we go again...

GIRL MISSING - RUBY ROSETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon