Chapter 14

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun cracking through the curtains. I felt so sleepy. I always did after having a nightmare. I remember this time, my mother didn't come in to comfort me. She was clearly in a mood with me. I didn't care though. I soon felt wide awake when I remembered it was the day to move out.

I quickly got dressed into some sweats and a tank top and put my hair in a tiny bun. I didn't need to make an effort today I knew we would be decorating and stuff.

I texted Ruby the address and told her to meet me outside the apartment at 12. I had approximately 3 hours to pack all my stuff into boxes and let the delivery man pile them into the truck.

I went into the garage and got some boxes. I started packing my belongings. My dad later came in and helped me take my bed and helped the delivery man load. It was half 12 and it was time to go to the apartment to unpack.

"You sure you don't want any help unpacking when you get there? My dad asked. I was quite surprised by this act if kindness.

"No it's fine don't worry." I smiled.

My dad cracked a smile and walked off downstairs.

I said to the truck man I'd be 5 minutes, I was about to say goodbye to my mum when she looked at me and walked upstairs. Completely ignoring me.

Fine be like that. I thought.

I hopped in my car that I hadn't drove for ages and followed the delivery man. I hadn't been here in two years, what if I couldn't remember the way. I questioned myself.

I soon got there and Ruby was already there and waiting. I parked my car and got our and hugged her.

I saw the delivery man smile.

Finally someone who isn't homophobic I thought.

It took a few hours to get everything into the apartment. I was so excited.

I unpacked all my clothes and hung them up in the walk in wardrobe and placed some in draws etc.

Ruby put all the cutlery in the draws and after a good few hours we were done.

I flopped on my bed shattered.

"That was hard work." I said to Ruby.

"Come on that was nothing!" She yelled.

"Sorry miss gym enthusiast."

She smirked.

"Jealousy is a bitch."

I punched her playfully.

"The place looks nice though." Ruby complimented.

"I know." I said whilst looking round. It was pretty basic I couldn't wait till I could decorate it and make it my own but it was a nice space. I couldn't believe it was my own.

Ruby and I sat and watched some film neither of us really paying attention.

I saw Ruby looked down at her watch and made a face.

I groaned knowing what that meant.

"I have to go to work." She said sadly.

I sighed and got up off the couch.

"That sucks."

Ruby nodded in agreement.

"I won't see you for like two or three days." I said.

Ruby was working and then had some shoots to do. I was going to miss her.

"I know. But we can talk and Skype every night!" She said.

I cheered up at that.


I kissed her goodbye and watched her leave out the window.

I decided to put a bit of effort into my appearance because I was now going to Yazmin's house. I hadn't seen her in two years. I didn't want to look like a bag of shit.

I grabbed my keys and got in my car.

I took a few wrong turnings as I was a bit rusty on remembering where she lived especially from this end of the town. I managed to find it and before knocking on her door I took a deep breath. I was really nervous not sure why.

When I knocked, Yaz's mum answered the door.

"Hi." I said sweetly.

She enveloped me into a big hug.

"Oh darling. It's so good to see you again. I've missed seeing your face around here. You were like my second daughter!" She joked.

"Aw thank you! I missed you too." I said feeling all warm inside. I wish my mother was as nice to my friends as Yaz's mum was to her friends.

I walked into the house smelling the familiar scent.

I saw Yaz run down the stairs. She tackled me in a hug. "ALICE" she shouted.

"Hey!" I laughed when we pulled apart.

"It's good to see you again." I said.

Yaz had changed a lot in the last few years, her hair was darker and she now had a fringe above the eyebrows. A bit like Hannah snowdons. It really suited her.

"I like your new hair." I told her.

"Aw thank you, it's not new anymore. Had it almost two years." I tried to hide my awkwardness. So much had changed. Whilst I was living in misery, people's lives still went on. I couldn't help but feel a little left behind.

We went upstairs and chatted about life, well mostly her life as much hasn't really happened with me. Well it had just not something I want to share right now.

I looked around her wall. I saw many more photos. The pictures of us was like a needle in a haystack. Basically none existent. I felt disappointed. I don't know what I expected. Not like I thought she would put her life on hold for me. She seemed so happy in all the photos. Maybe she didn't miss me that much after all..

I told Yazmin about Ruby. She smiled and was genuinely happy for me.

"That's so nice to hear, I hope I get to meet her one day."

"I would like that." I said truthfully.

I stayed for dinner and then made my way home.

Once I got in I had a weird feeling inside me. I felt disappointed and not whole.

I got into my pjs and got into bed and watched some Netflix to distract me from my odd feeling inside. It wasn't working.

I guess I just felt like an outsider. In my family, with my friends. The only place I didn't feel like a outsider was when I was with Ruby but she wasn't here right now. I later got a text from Ruby.


I smiled and rang her.

We spoke for a good three hours, she kept me entertained by talking about the rude customers who she encountered, I told her about seeing Yazmin.

"You seem down, are you okay?" Ruby asked the question I had hoped she wouldn't."
I plastered a fake smile.

"Yeah I am. Just tired! Don't worry I assured her.

Ruby had work tomorrow then was jetting off to some shoot, I hoped the days would go fast. I was already feeling really lonely without her here. Also it didn't help that I was in a new apartment. Everything just felt so strange.

"Okay...if you're sure." Ruby said, not convinced.

We said goodnight and I settled into bed, ready for sleep.

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