Chapter 13

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"It's okay, Alice, hopefully they'll warm up to me." She said positively.

"I hope so but still you don't need to take that. You don't deserve it." I said plonking myself down on the bed.

Ruby sat next to me and embraced me into a hug.

"I've had a lot worse."

I nodded mentally noting that I would ask her what she meant by that soon.

Ruby pulled away and wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me closer to her. I rested my head on her shoulder. She was quite for a while, occasionally rubbing her thumb along my knuckles soothingly. She looked lost in thought. She then pulled me into her lap and wrapped her arms around me. I ran my fingers through her short brown hair. She then kissed my cheek causing me to melt under her touch.

"I didn't know you wanted to go into politics." Ruby stated.

"Yeah, they don't tend to mention them things on TV – You only know a small part of my life." I reminded her.

"True. I want to get to know the real you though. I want to know your passions, the things that keep you up at night, your favourite food. I want to get to know the real you."

"I'm glad." I said quietly.

"Sometimes I feel like my kidnapping story, is the only thing that defines me anymore."

Ruby clearly disapproved of that statement.

"Definitely not, you're much more than the past two years."

After a couple of minutes of silence, ruby piped up
"I should get going. we have a long day ahead tomorrow."

I pouted causing her to chuckle.

I laced my hands around her neck. She smiled whilst moving her hand down to my neck and along my jawline. She touched her lips to mine.

I was in bliss as our lips moved in sync together. Her grip tightened, her arm around me protective and caring.

She finally pulled away after a few minutes after needing air.

I walked Ruby to her car.

"Text me when you're home safe."

"I will do, love." She responded before driving out my driveway.

I already missed her. It was such a strange feeling. I had never felt it before.

I walked back inside and my mum was at my heels.

"I really don't like the idea of you hanging out with her, Alice." My mum said sternly, completely serious.

"Well get used to it." I said taking my mum aback.

"I can't tell you who to hang out with but I'm telling you she bad news. I don't like her one bit." My mum snarled.

I balled my fists.

"Why?" I shot at her. "Because she has tattoos and doesn't look like the normal people who go to your church? Well guess what not everyone is like you, get used to it."

"Alice...I already lost you for two years I don't want to lose you again, not to a punk like her."

I felt a pang of guilt rush through me but it soon subsided.

"You aren't going to lose me mother stop being stupid. She's the first thing to make me really happy, I've not been this happy in a long time, don't you want me to be happy?" I questioned.

"Of course I do." She replied.

"Then at least give her a chance."

"I'm sorry but no. She goes against the bible in many ways. I've heard about her. She's a Lesbian. Her sexuality is a abomination. I don't want her drawing you into the dark side.

I literally laughed out loud. Is she being serious? I hope not.

"I'm hanging out with her whether you like it or not."

My father came in the room obviously after hearing he commotion.

"Don't talk to your mother like that. Have some respect.

"Why should I respect her when she doesn't give anyone else respect?"

I had enough. I closed my door in their faces.

They didn't even know Ruby. They didn't even give her a chance.

I hopped into the shower hoping it would calm me down. Once I got out I saw Ruby had texted me.

"Home now."

I texted her back straight away.

"Thanks for letting me know, sleep well."

I quickly got a text back saying.

"You too, princess."

I smiled like a dork.

I went to sleep sad and happy at the same time, I didn't know that was possible but I guess it was tonight. I just couldn't wait till tomorrow to move out.

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