Chapter 21

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I was awoken by Ruby gently tugging on my shoulder whispering "Wake up." various times. I ignored it and curled closer to her with every intention of going back to sleep. I heard a chuckle come out of Ruby's mouth. I opened one eye to look at her. Her beautiful emerald eyes softly gazing down at me with a smirk evident on her face. She was propping herself on one elbow looking down at me. I smiled.

"Good morning beautiful," Ruby said quietly.

I mumbled a tired good morning back to her. I forced myself to into a sitting position and held Ruby's hand.

"Why did you have to wake me up. I'm still tired." I grumbled as I glanced over at my alarm clock. The glowing red numbers told me it was 11.45

Ruby laughed again.

"As if its nearly 12 the day has almost gone!" I said pouted, not wanting to waste time i got to spend with Ruby.

"It's just your medication that makes you sleep so much. Don't worry we have the whole day to spend together." She said giving me a sympathetic smile before placing various pills into my hand and a bottle of water. 

Ever since I blurted out that my therapist did not authorise me living on my own, she's been giving me my meds without fail, always making sure I was taking them and not letting me out of her sight, probably scared I'd have another breakdown. Annoying, but it's nice she cares. However, she doesn't need to worry about me. That was a blip. I was adjusting to my old life, I'm fine now. I've been back nearly a month now. I'm fine. I just wished everyone believed me.

"We have a big day today!" Ruby gleamed.

I looked confused for a moment and then I remembered last night we decided that Ruby wanted me to meet her mum.

My eyes grew big. Excitement and nerves flooding through me. I really cared about Ruby, I wanted her family to like me. I'm not as strong as Ruby I don't think I'd want to be with someone if their family didn't like me. I guess that's where we're different. Ruby didn't care what others thought. I on the other hand did.

I didn't want to leave the bed. I was so content with laying here with Ruby. But I knew it had to come to an end. I eventually pulled myself out of bed to get ready for the day. I had exactly an hour and a half to get ready I calculated as Ruby said her mum was expecting us around 2'o clock.


"Are you ready, Alice?" I hear Ruby shout from the living room. She was ready ages ago, waiting impatiently.

"Yeah, 5 minutes," I shouted back.

I heard her grumble. I giggled. That girl had no patience.

Five minutes later I felt two arms wrap around my waist and felt a kiss plant on my neck. I smiled and turned around to face Ruby.

"Are you nervous?" Ruby asked.

I replied without hesitation. "Yes."

Ruby grinned.

"Don't be. My mum is one of the nicest people ever. I'm sure she'll love you as much as I do...if that's possible."

I smiled pleased with her words. She always knew how to comfort me and make me feel better.

Her smile soon faded.

"Now are you done yet?" She said cocking her head to the side.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Ruby. Let's go."

I turned around to grab my keys and leave when I felt Ruby smack my ass. I turned back around to face her. Shock was written all over my face, it soon subsisted and I smirked crashing my lips onto hers. I bit her lip lightly and I heard a moan escape from her mouth. I smirked and pulled away. Her eyes flickered open.

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