Chapter 12

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I walked into my house and called out to my parents.

"I'm home!"

My mum and dad emerged from the kitchen. My mum gave me a hug and my dad gave me a smile. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. My mum and dad both ignored Ruby's existence. I felt awkward. I was the complete opposite to my family, even if I didn't like someone, I wouldn't be rude to them, especially when I invited them somewhere.

"Food is almost ready, come sit down." She beckoned us to the dinner table.

I motioned for Ruby to sit next to me, my mother opposite and my dad at the head of the table.

My mum placed the food down and joined us at the table.

"Looks lovely." Ruby said trying to make an effort.

My mum plastered a fake smile and said thank you.

Ruby started cutting up her meat and eating not realising none of us had started eating. I felt really awkward. I nudged her under the table. She looked up and her face dropped. All eyes were on here. I was mentally cringing for her. She went bright red and coughed nervously.

"Umm sorry." She stammered.

Every one of my friends did this the first time they came over for tea. They didn't realise we always said grace before eating. I should've gave Ruby the heads up but I forgot.

"It's okay, all of my friends do that don't worry about it." giving her a chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

We all held hands and said grace. We all finally tucked into our food.

"So Ruby..what do you do for a living?" My mother asked.

"I'm a model/actress and I also work part time as a Batista at the coffee shop not far from here." Ruby told her politely.

My dad shocked us all and actually spoke.

He let out a dry chuckle.

"A model?"

I glared at him.

Ruby just nodded clearly feeling uncomfortable.

"I thought models were typically very tall and girly." My dad went on.

"Yeah a lot are but I guess they just like my different look." Ruby said whilst putting another mouthful of food in her mouth.

I couldn't wait for this to be over and I'm sure Ruby couldn't either.

My mum chipped in.

"Yes your look is very...umm different." She paused and then went on.

"Do all your tattoos have a special meaning to you?"

Ruby replied saying "Some do, others I just like."

"Hmm." My mum replied.

"You don't like tattoos?" Ruby asked although she's smart, I think she knew the answer to it.

"No. Leviticus 19:28 says you should never print any marks upon yourself."

I groaned. I hated when my mum brought out her bible references.

"The Lord made you how you were. You changing it is going against his work." My mum said bluntly.

Ruby chewed on her lip.

"Ah." Was all she could get out.

I tried changing the subject so Ruby wouldn't feel so awkward.

I thought she was never going to shut up.

"Tattoos come across very unprofessional, this is why we drilled into Alice not to ever get tattoos. You never see politicians with tattoos."

"Politician?" Ruby asked.

I shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh yes. Alice was studying Politics at college and doing really well. Top of her class, not that we are surprised. She got straight A's all the time. She was classed as a "child prodigy." My Mum spoke highly of me.

As much as I did well at school, I felt uncomfortable.

"Yes. I was studying Politics. Past tense, Mum."

"Oh don't be silly. You can re take the years you have missed."

I scoffed. My mum was in a dream world.

"In case you forgot, I've been in isolation for the last two years, I haven't particularly been paying attention to the political affairs. I have no idea what's going on anymore, so I think that's out the question."

Everyone was obviously feeling uncomfortable now and I felt bad.

After 10 minutes of silence I decided to lighten the mood.

"I have good news Mum." I said.

"What's that sweetie?" She said suddenly all nice.

"Mrs Griffin said I would be able to move into my apartment as long as I kept to my medication and therapy sessions."

My mums face didn't change. I knew she wasn't pleased by the news. She thought Mrs griffin wouldn't agree to it. I thought that too.

"When are you planning to move out?" She asked.


My mums jaw dropped.

She coughed trying to regain control knowing she couldn't do anything about it.

"Ruby is going to help me decorate and everything. Isn't that right?" I turned to Ruby.

She nodded with a big smile on her face.

"When are you going to see your other friends?" My mum asked.

She wasn't really a fan of them either but she obviously liked them more than Ruby.

"I'm actually planning on seeing Yazmin tomorrow night. Ruby is at work so it's perfect."

My mums eyes gleamed.

"That's nice, it's good to hang out with people who are good influences."

I knew that was a dig at Ruby. Just because she had tattoos and a edgy style didn't mean she was a bad influence. My other friends often did drugs at parties and smoked. My anger boiled up inside.

I felt Ruby squeeze my thigh. It instantly relaxed me. I knew she didn't want me to have ago at my mother it would just make everything worse.

Out the corner of my eye I saw my dad glance down at where Ruby's hand laid. He didn't say anything though.

Thank God.

We finished tea not long after and I excused myself and Ruby thanked my Mum for the food but she ignored her. We then went upstairs with Ruby.

Once the door was closed I apologised deeply to Ruby.

"I'm so sorry about my parents, they aren't the nicest people in the world.

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