Chapter 8

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Her apartment was nice and tidy, white and aesthetic. I noticed a pool outside. I assumed it was shared by everyone in the apartment complex though. Ruby noticed me eyeing up the pool.

"No one ever goes in that pool but me, they all think it's too cold. Such losers." She scoffed.

I laughed.

As we made our way into her bedroom I was amazed it was so different to the rest of the apartment. It was so her. Really retro/boho vibe. She had photos stuck to the wall all perfectly aligned. Three different guitars lined up on one of the walls. A plushy chair was in one corner with a small book shelf and some cacti. And the other wall was black. I realised it was a chalk board. My eyes grew big, my inner childhood coming out. I laughed at myself. Making Ruby raise her eyebrows at me confused at why I was laughing at nothing. Her bed sheets were medallion style and there were fairy lights all around her room. If you could fall in love with a room, this room would be my soulmate I thought to myself.

"Your room is so cool" I said.

"Thank you." Ruby said grinning. I could tell she was really proud of it.

We got comfy on the leather couch and started our movie marathon, starting with the hunger games first. Half way through we ordered a pizza to share. We laughed all night long. I would never get tired of looking at her beautiful smile. She was so fun to be around. I really enjoyed her company.

Half way through Mocking Jay I felt Ruby put her arm around me. I thought nothing of it and snuggled in closer to her. I was pretty sure she was gay, but she's just being nice to me, she doesn't like me in that way, I started to tell myself.

It was almost 1am when we decided to finally go to sleep. I wasn't sure on our sleeping arrangements, though. I was hoping she would want me to sleep on the couch, just because then if I did have a nightmare, chances are I probably wouldn't wake her up and have to face 21 questions.

"You can sleep with me in my bed...if you want."

I chewed on my lip debating on whether or not to tell her I'd prefer to sleep on the couch.

"Or I could sleep on the couch, I don't mind." She suggested when I was still staying silent.

"No no." I assured. "I don't mind staying in the same bed, wouldn't want to kick you out of your own bed" I laughed.

I followed her to the bedroom and faced the opposite way and changed into my pj shorts and tank top.

Out the corner of my eye I could see Ruby doing the same. I didn't know why but my heart was beating so fast. I'd seen girls naked before but she was different.

We then got into bed and started talking, Ruby pulled me in close and after a while, she was fast asleep. I smiled to myself. She was really beautiful. I pushed a stand of hair out of her face and stared at her. She looked so peaceful. I then knew I wasn't going to sleep tonight, she looked too content to be woken up. I wouldn't get bored staring at her anyway.

Minutes ticked by, turning into a good hour and a half of me just staring at the celling. Letting my thoughts race. I finally sat up and gently untangled myself from Ruby, being careful not to wake her.

I went over to her chest of drawers and found a bikini. I decided to go for a swim. I needed to preoccupy my time. I hope Ruby wouldn't mind me going through her stuff. She was a bit taller than me but thank god the bathing suit fitted. I closed the door and got a towel and made my way to the pool.

I dangled my feet in, wincing at how cold it was. No wonder no one went in it.

After 10 minutes I was fully submerged in the water. The night was beautifully warm, perfect for a late night swim. I pushed off the side and glided through the pool. I then floated on my back closing my eyes. It was so peaceful. My hair was floating beside me tickling my neck. I took a deep breath, the night air calming me.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a voice sing.

I turned around to the patio door and saw Ruby standing there, her gaze was soft.

"Nope" I said. Partially telling the truth.

I could have slept if I wanted to, but I wasn't going to risk having a nightmare in front of her.

Before I knew it Ruby was jumping in beside me. When she came back up from the water she gasped. "So cold!" She gasped. I laughed.

It was silent for a moment before I splashed Ruby. She was laughing hard, as she was shaking her head from side her hair whipped, displacing water all over my face.

"Hey!." I said giggling.

We got into a full blown water fight.
I hadn't laughed this much in so long. It was addictive.

We both eventually stopped, both trying to catch our breath back. We stared at each other longingly.

I felt our bodies getting closer and closer. I realised what was happening. It was as if it was happening in slow motion. Ruby and I crashed our lips together. Once we pulled apart I was even more out of breath than before.

Did that really just happen?

She put her hand at the nape of her neck and was rubbing it awkwardly. I think she thought I didn't want that.

"Sor-" She started.
I cut her off from apologising by crashing my lips against hers again. I craved her touch.

She ran her hand over my shoulder and cupped the back of my neck pushing me in closer whilst the other hand rested on my back. We moved in sync. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach growing. We eventually pulled away panting.

I cracked her a shy smile.

"I've wanted to do that for a while" she breathed.

I smiled even wider which apparently was contagious because she was also smiling wide.

Ruby helped me out the  pool and we both got dry and made it back to the house.

GIRL MISSING - RUBY ROSEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora