Chapter 18

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Ruby and I spent the rest of the day getting extra things for my apartment, we then stopped off to get coffee and we went to her apartment. The days always went by so quick when I was with her.

Once we got back we pushed all the furniture to the side and we put a couple of quilts and pillows down on the floor in front of the TV, we got some snacks and laid down together. It was cute. Ruby told me she wanted to teach me to play Xbox. I agreed because i knew it would be funny. I've tried before and I was just terrible.

"Okay...we're going to play GTA first." She said with a smirk.

I laughed. "Yes Boss." I said sarcastically.

While it was loading Ruby showed me how to use all the controls and buttons. I did a series of nods and "mmhms" when she was explaining, even though what she was saying was going through one ear and straight out the other. Her voice was so intriguing and I couldn't stop looking at her lips. I just wanted to kiss her all the time. Ruby saw me staring and smirked again.

"I hope you're listening." She said sternly.

"I am." I lied.

The game had loaded and she passed me the controller.

"Want me to to show you what to do first?" She asked.

"Erm no I can do it." I said stubbornly.

I heard Ruby giggle. "We'll see."

I managed to get into the garage and find a car, with Ruby's directions of course.

Once I was on the virtual road. I ran into everyone, everything and anything. I was shouting at the TV getting annoyed. I sucked at this game. It was quite embarrassing. Ruby thought it was the most entertaining thing she had ever seen.

I showed her my middle finger when she was in a fit of laughter, when I ran into another car.

After like a hour of failing at this game Ruby made me sit in between her legs and helped me weave between the cars and shoot people. I wasn't really participating. Her hands over mine and her arms brushing over mine was enough to send me over the edge. I just couldn't think straight.

I decided to excuse myself and go to the toilet. It got a bit chilly and I saw Ruby's hoodie on the bathroom floor and put it on. It was so cosy and smelt like her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

I walked back downstairs and Ruby was shouting at the screen, she didn't even realise I was watching her. It was funny to see her be so into the game because when I was around she acted so cool and not nerdy. I loved this side of her though.

I walked over and sat behind her. I placed my chin on her shoulder making her jump slightly. I kissed her cheek. And she turned around and kissed me. We pulled apart both smiling. I saw Ruby then paused the game. I frowned.

"You didn't have to do that." I said.

"I know but you look adorable in my hoodie." She said with a cheeky smile plastered across her face.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked.


"You can pick" she told me so I went over to cabinet and chose a film called "gimme shelter." I had watched it before but it was a super good film.

We laid back down and Ruby put her arm around me, I curled up to her side and placed my head on her shoulder as the credits showed up on the screen.

She played with my hair, it was soothing but made me so sleepy.

"Are you trying to make me go to sleep so you can stop having to deal with me?" I said playfully before removing her hand from my hair.

"Whoops. Sorry love, of course not." She then placed her hand on my back and traced circles. This was a habit of hers and I loved it. I loved her touch on me it made me feel safe.

Once the movie was over we both stretched. I was feeling sleepy but I wasn't ready to go to bed yet, even though it was pretty late in the evening. I looked at my phone and saw I had 3 missed calls from my mother. I texted her

"Staying at a friends goodnight x x" I pressed send a threw my phone across the room. Grimacing, hoping it didn't hit anything and smash.



So many people are reading this the reads rise like every hour it's scary to see lol I'm not used to having a big audience but I love it as well so thank you for voting etc I see the people voting and it makes my day. Leave some suggestions of plots or something if you want :) hope you all have a good day / evening

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