Chapter 6

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Ruby texted me that she was here, so I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs.Before I even reached the bottom step my mum was at my ankles.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going out with Ruby, if that's okay." I wanted to be nice to her. I felt bad for what I said to her earlier. I was really rude.

"Of course sweetie..have a good time. Please check in with me throughout the day."

I wanted to roll my eyes but I resisted the urge.

"Yes mum." I answered before shutting the door and making my way to Ruby's car.

"Hi" I greeted her as I got in.

"Hello beautiful." She greeted back. I blushed.

She started the car and I asked, "where are we going today?"

"I thought we could just chill at a park near mine seen as its a nice day."

I smiled. "Sounds good."

Ruby looked extra good today, she was wearing a yellow bustier crop top which showed off her toned belly and her perfect tattoos. I was really envious of her tattoos, I always wanted some but I didn't think I'd suit them as much as she does.

I think she saw me checking her out because I saw a slight smirk playing on her lips.

I ignored it and looked out the window.

Once we got to the park it was really hot. Summer was just starting, we both laid down enjoying the rays. Ruby turned onto her side, I did the same so we were now facing each other.

"I know I said sorry in my text this morning but I want to properly apologise to you," Ruby started "I shouldn't have said that you'd be a mess down the line if you don't talk about it. I'm sorry. You're a lot stronger than a lot of people, and it's your choice when you want to open up about it." She looked sincere.

"It's fine, I accept your apology. I'm sorry for kicking you out."

Ruby's wonderful laugh echoed through the park.

"It's quite alright love, I deserved it."

I just smiled because I wasn't going to disagree.

"Tell me about yourself." I said randomly.

She raised her eyebrow.

"Come on, you know so much about me and I know nothing about you." I pondered.

"Well..I'm from Melbourne, Australia.."

I rolled my eyes and punched her lightly.

"Wait really?  I would never have guessed you were from Australia, not like the accent gave it away or anything." I joked.

"Yeah well what about you! You have a British accent but are living in America?" Ruby questioned.

"My family and I moved here about 6 years ago, guess my accent never left me."

"Well I think it's cute. Especially when you start saying British words, then suddenly switch to American words."

"Do I actually do that?" I covered my mouth.

"Yes!" she said whilst throwing her head backwards laughing hysterically.

"Shut up I can't help it!" I cried.

Our laughter eventually died down.

"Anything else I should know about you, mystery girl?"

"I'm not mysterious. I'm an open book." Ruby defended.

I rolled my eyes "sure sure."

"So what's it like being back home?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Good." I said.

Ruby gave me a look that said,  'I know you are lying'

"It really is good. My dad barely talks to me or even makes eye contact with me and my mum keeps fussing around me, acting like I've forgotten how to do basic things, but other than that, it's fine."

Ruby stayed silent for a while.

"She'll stop soon when everything goes back to normal. And you'll miss it." She laughed.


"Your parents had to go through so much stress when you went missing, your dad is probably just finding it hard to adjust and doesn't know how to get back to the way things were before." Ruby said quietly.

We stayed at the park for a couple of hours, time literally flew past.

"If you want you can stay at mine tonight? We can order food and have a movie marathon. Get you away from your house for a bit." Ruby suggested.

It sounded like a nice idea but I didn't know if I wanted to, just in case I would have a nightmare. It would just be plain embarrassing. I've been trying to prove that my situation is in the past and I'm fine now, and can stop being treated so baby like, so if  she knows about them, she'll treat me like my parents do. And I wasn't even sure my mum would let me.

I pondered with the idea for a while.

"Okay, but I'll have to ask my mum because I don't know if she will let me."

We got up after hours at the park and walked towards the car. Ruby suggested we should get some food and I agreed.

We got to the car and drove to the town centre, found a parking space and started walking to find a restaurant to have lunch at. Ruby put her hand on my lower back. At first I was a bit surprised but I liked it there; actually I never wanted it to leave.

We were making small conversation about her modelling career when a car behind us honked really loudly, out of nowhere.

I jumped and put my hands to my ears and let out a scream. My heart was beating 100 miles per hour. I was in the middle of having a panic attack. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE." I heard Ruby shout at the driver.

I felt Ruby embrace me. I buried my head in her chest trying to control my sobs.

So much for trying to make everyone think I'm okay and let me deal with this on my own, without being under a microscope.

"Shh it's okay love. It's okay. You're fine." She kept repeating to me, trying to calm me down.

I suddenly became aware of my surroundings and saw people staring at me. I was embarrassed, not because they were looking but because I freaked out on Ruby for something so silly.

I pulled away and hid my face from her.

"Uhhh, yeah. Sorry I don't know what came over me" i stammered.

Ruby removed my hands from my face and lifted up my chin so I would look at her.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's totally normal for someone in your situation. Come on let's go get some food now."

She placed her hand on my lower back again and we started walking. I was thankful she let it go. If that was my mother she probably would've checked me into a mental institution by now.

GIRL MISSING - RUBY ROSEWhere stories live. Discover now