Chapter 4

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I sat down on my bed and gestured for Ruby to sit next to me. It was really nice but strange to have company again. I spent two years being isolated and now my life is just back to the way it used to's feels so weird.

"Wanna watch a film?" I asked.
Ruby nodded.

I put in one of my favourite movies, mean girls.

I heard Ruby giggle. It was a lovely sound.

"Don't judge." I joked

Ruby put her hands up in the surrendering position.

"I'm not, I love this film too"

I smiled, sat back and started to watch the film.

Half way through the movie we weren't even paying attention, we were just talking.

"Can I ask you something?" Ruby said.

I furrowed my brows. "Sure."

"Don't take this the wrong way..." She started

I was starting to get nervous.

"But how are you coping so well? It's your first day back after two years of being gone and you're acting like nothing has happened. I would've thought you'd be isolating yourself, crying, being depressed..."

I thought about it for a minute.

"I don't know...I spent so long being alone, I've been given this second chance to have a life again, so why would I want to stay alone even more? And I didn't exactly go hanging out with friends and partying," I snapped.

I carried on, feeling the anger build up inside me.

"I went to get a coffee. I didn't expect to meet you. If you hadn't shown up or if people didn't keep coming up to me or that woman hadn't of had ago at me I would've just gone home and stayed alone."

"Okay, I'm sorry I was just asking." Ruby defended herself.

I was still slightly annoyed.

"And I'm not acting like nothing happened!" I snapped.

"Yes you are." Ruby snapped back, then turning her attention back to the TV.

I frowned. Why was she being so rude.

It stayed silent for a while before she spoke up again.

"You have to face what has happened some time or another, you may feel fine now but later on down the road you're going to be a mess. Mark my words." Said Ruby.

I huffed. I was beyond annoyed right now.

"Sorry, didn't realise you were my psychic therapist."

Ruby ignored my comment.

"Everyone deals with things in their own way. Let me do it MY way. I said sharply.

I didn't even know this girl for more than an hour and she was already making me feel like shit.

I got up from my bed and said,

"I think it's time for you to leave..." I had never kicked someone out before, I felt rude. But I wanted to be alone now she just didn't understand.

Ruby looked disappointed but didn't argue.

"I'm sorry." She said, looking sad.

I ignored her.

"Can I at least get your number?"

I rolled my eyes but gave it to her anyway. She did drive me home I guess.

I walked her downstairs and said a blunt goodbye. I shut the door and my mum was on my case again.

"Where is she going? I thought she could join us for tea."

"She had to go home, mum." I said more harshly than meaning to. She looked taken aback

"Okay..well it will be ready in half a hour."

"Okay" and walked back upstairs.

I put on my sweat pants and a tank top and got into bed. I was so tired. I took some of my prescription medicine. I had like 5 different tablets I had to take.

Finally it was ready for tea. My mum was always a good cook so I was excited to have my first proper cooked meal in two years. Hospital food didn't count. That food tasted vile.

I went downstairs and sat in my usual seat and greeted my parents.

My parents always wanted to say Grace before having tea. I rolled my eyes but held their hands and listened to them say their thanks.

"Thank you, God for bringing back our beautiful daughter." I tried not to laugh. I didn't believe in God. He did not bring me back to my family. I brought myself back. I was the one who ran for miles and miles and had nothing proper to eat for 2 days whilst I tried to make it to the nearest town. God had nothing to with it. Only me.

The whole meal was quite awkward. It was sad. I guess we all just didn't know what to say anymore.

I went upstairs and checked my phone and saw I had a few texts from old friends, I thought I'd reply to them in the morning...Ruby never texted me though. I was quite disappointed. But then again I was quite rude to her. I decided to read one of my old books and eventually I fell asleep.

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