Chapter 24

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I looked at my phone. Yazmin should be here soon. I checked myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a plain black crop top, skinny jeans, a flannel layered with a denim jacket with some rips in it. I skipped downstairs, jumping the last few, making myself giggle about my childish behaviour. Ruby was sat on the sofa watching TV. Normally it was me waiting for her, how the tables have turned.

"You look as beautiful as always." Ruby complimented me, making my cheeks flush. 

"Can we do some pre-drinks? I don't want to go in there sober..." 

Ruby let out a laugh.


I hit her playfully.

"Leave me alone," I said rolling my eyes.

We made some Jägerbombs quickly downing them before Yazmin got here. 

I took another shot. Obviously feeling the nerves now. I only just came to the realisation half of my High School would be there tonight, this would be the first time I would've seen them in two years. 

Ruby temporarily stopped me from drinking and I shot her a confused look.

"Go easy, Alice. You haven't drunk in two years, you don't want to get ill."

She was right, I was already a lightweight before and I had built a tolerance up then, but now I barely even had an immune system, no mind a tolerance for alcohol. 

"I'll go easy, promise," I assured her.

"Are you even allowed to drink with your medication?" She asked.

I wasn't sure.

I followed Ruby into the kitchen whilst she went into the medicine cabinet. On nearly all the pill labels it read 'Do not mix with alcohol,' Ruby turned to face me. You're not allowed to drink with these meds, Alice.

I giggled feeling a bit tipsy.

"Bit late for that," I said giggling some more.

Ruby, however, did not laugh.

I walked closer to her and snaked my arms around her neck, inches away from her lips. I'll be fine. I told you I will go easy and after today, I won't drink whilst I'm on these meds. I promise. just this once, okay?"

Ruby still looked apprehensive, however, she reluctantly agreed.

I heard my phone go off and I knew Yazmin would be outside. We got our stuff together and headed out the door. Ruby and I intertwined our hands as we went down the lift. We spotted Yazmin's across the street. I was excited for her to meet Ruby. I knew everyone was going to love her.

We hopped into the back of the car and Yazmin greeted Ruby and me. 

"Hi Ruby, I'm Yazmin. It's really nice to finally meet you!" 

"Likewise! I love your shirt by the way." Ruby said smiling. 

It was nice to see Ruby getting along well. It was a short drive to the place we were going to.

I was staring out my window, watching the rain drizzle peacefully. LA Is beautiful. I watched the City in awe. My favourite thing about this place was how it really never did sleep. No matter what time you found yourself wandering the city, the lights were always blazing from every skyscraper, from every office block, there would always be people wandering aimlessly, you could hear chatter in various languages. It was beautiful. I wasn't sure where we were going but I knew that if things haven't changed, that probably meant we would be hanging out in our usual spot, a dingy, run down, basement in the middle of town. It was a really cool place don't get me wrong. It was a typical hipster's safe haven. A bunch of people getting drunk, getting high, listening to some shitty indie covers from aspiring musicians. It had a great atmosphere, everyone was chill there, they were all very welcoming I guess you could say I was well acquainted with them, I wouldn't say we were friends like Yazmin and I was; they were just people I got drunk with most weekends and had reckless adventures with. None of these people I would be down to introduce to my family, or have sleepovers with or tell them anything personal. I always enjoyed my time there, I mean even if you're having a shitty time when alcohol or weed is involved anything was fun. As I had predicted, things still hadn't changed. We arrived at the same basement. It was like old times all over again. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing if I was honest.

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