Chapter 7

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We found a quiet place to eat. I sat down opposite Ruby and we both ordered our food. We were midway through talking and I noticed Ruby putting her hand on my thigh. I tried acting like it didn't phase me but really, it was giving me butterflies.
Sadly, she had to remove it when our food came so she could eat. I was disappointed, I wanted it back there, it was comforting.

Ruby went to the toilet before we left and I went on my phone and responded to some of the texts I had gotten.

A lot of them were off people who I barely knew, they were acting like my best friend. I rolled my eyes and replied to my two friends, Apryl and Yaz and told them I would meet up with them soon and that I miss them. I wasn't sure if it would be weird seeing them after all this time. I tried to put the thought to the back of my mind as Ruby and I walked back to her car.

Once we got to my house I let Ruby go upstairs alone whilst I asked my mum if I could stay at hers.

"Hi mum, I was wondering if I would be able to sleep at Ruby's tonight?"

She looked apprehensive.

"Please?" I begged. I felt weird begging when I'm 21 but she was away from me for a long time, I get it that she's worried about me and wants to make up for lost time.

"What about if you have a nightmare?" She said, pursing her lips.

I sighed. Like I hadn't already thought about that.

"I'll be fine, I'll be on the couch she won't hear me."

"That's not what I meant, Alice. You need someone there to calm you down.." she trailed off.

"Then Ruby will do that, it's fine."

After a couple minutes back and forth, she finally agreed and I said thank you and hugged her.

"I love you." I told her.

Her eyes lit up and seemed genuinely happy.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

I smiled and made my way upstairs. Ruby was in the corner of my room looking at my wall of photos of me and my friends.

That seemed a completely different life away. I used to be the fun, always smiling girl, the life of the party. So much has changed now though. I was not the same person anymore.

Ruby turned around when she realised I was back.

"I love you and your friend's styles" she commented.

"Thanks" I said whilst packing some clothes, toothbrush, makeup wipes and phone charger.

I smiled at her, "ready to go?" I asked.

She nodded and we made our way to her car. We stopped off to get coffee and eventually made it to her apartment. It was definitely a more 'upper class' apartment a lot nicer and modern than the one I was going to live in. She gave me a quick tour of the place and told me to help myself to anything and to treat it like it was my own house.

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