Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping away. I let my eyes flutter open. I was extra tired this morning, I didn't sleep well to say at the least. The night was a blur all, I remember was me waking up in a frenzy, screaming and laying in a pool of my own sweat. I remembered my mum hugging me, assuring me that I was okay and my dad standing in the doorway with a sad look on his face.

I thought once I would come home the nightmares would stop. At the hospital I was sedated a lot so I could get the rest I needed. It was probably just because it was my first time back at home, in a few days ill settle down and the nightmares will stop. I tried to reassured myself, but failing.

I was still sweaty from the terrible nights sleep, so I went and hopped in the shower. I put on some clothes for today and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. I wasn't particularly hungry but I knew if I didn't eat anything my mum would be down my throat.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad and mum in deep discussion at the table. They immediately stopped talking when they saw me. My mum plastered a fake happy smile on her face as soon as she saw me.

"Want me to make you a full English breakfast?" She asked.

"No, it's okay. I'll just make some toast" I said as nicely as possible.

Two years ago my mum would never make me breakfast or be helpful. I get I was away for a long time and she just wants to make me happy but I didn't forget how to feed myself in two years. I wish she would just stop fussing.

Once I made it I sat down with my parents, munching slowly on my toast.

My mum cleared her throat. I groaned internally, 'here we go,' I muttered.

"Me and your father think you should get some extra therapy sessions in..."

I cut her off. "What?" I'm already going there 4 days a week. Do you want me to live with her or something?" I said sarcastically.

"Alice." My father spoke sternly. I shut up straight away.

"We just think it would best for you...those nightmares...You went through a lot. We just want you to be 100 percent again and maybe talk about what happened..."she trailed off.

"Mum." I said harshly. "Going to a shrink 4 times a week is enough. I'm not going anymore and I will talk about it, if and when I want to."

My mum looked defeated. "Okay Alice..but maybe you could see some of your old friends again?"

"Yeah maybe sometime this week." I replied, in attempt to keep her sweet.

"Why not today?" My mum pressed at me.

"Because I don't want to see them just yet!" I practically screamed at her. I regretted it. I felt bad but I wish she would stop and let me do things my way. I sat my plate in the sink and stropped off.

I was annoyed. Why was everyone fussing over me. I'm fine. I just want to get on with my life again.

I went back upstairs and looked at my phone and it read 1 new message.


Hi, I'm sorry about last night do you want to do something today? I understand if not...

I quickly replied.

"Yeah sure, pick me up in half a hour?"

As much as Ruby annoyed me last night she was nice to be around...and to look at. And I'm sure me going to hang out with her will make my mother happy.

I put my hair in a messy bun and skipped the makeup. I wasn't in the mood to make an effort today.

GIRL MISSING - RUBY ROSENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ