Chapter 2

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I went over to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My once long blonde hair was now cut short. My once full of life eyes were now dull. I couldn't remember the last time I smiled, I used to smile all the time. I attempted to smile in the mirror but it looked so fake and forced. I sighed.  I also had a big gash on the side of my face. I shuddered when I remembered how I got it.

I hopped into the shower. It was heavenly. Soon after I went for a nap and was awoken by loud talking outside my house. I cracked my curtains open slightly and saw crowds of people around my house.

"Great." I muttered.

I heard a knock on my door, I turned around and saw my mum.

"Hi." I greeted her.

She never used to knock, but ever since I've been back she's been tip toeing around me, almost scared that she'll say the wrong thing and upset me.

"Do you want any tea?" My mum asked.

I shook my head.

"I think I might go out and grab a coffee." I said.

"There's lots of reporters outside." My mum stated very matter of factly.

"I know."

Silence filled the room.

"I'll just go out the back way." I told her.

"...Are you sure? I mean you haven't been out by yourself in like...2 years." She trailed off.

"I know mum, but I haven't forgotten the way around my own town." I was getting impatient with her. I was 21 now not 15.

"Well I can give you a lift if you want!"

"No. Thanks but I'd rather walk and get the fresh air."

My mum looked uncomfortable. I felt bad but I just had to get out.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I assured her.

" back within an hour, okay?"

I nodded, grabbed my purse and headed out the back door before she could say no.

I quickly hopped over my neighbour's fence and went through the woods and after a 10 minute walk, I managed to get to the local coffee shop.

I hadn't had coffee in so long. I needed it for sure.

I was excited to go back to my favourite coffee place. It was cute, quirky and looked like an old cabin. They always had live music at night. It was my favourite place to hang, I used to go here like every day.

I walked in and all eyes were on me. I suddenly felt really awkward.

I waited in line and finally got served. The person taking my order gave me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back and found a seat in the far corner of the shop away from every one else.

I avoided looking at everyone. I knew all eyes were on me and everyone was whispering about me.

Think I'm going to have to find a new favourite place to hang until things die down again. I thought to myself.

I was sipping on my drink when a friend of my mum comes and taps me on the shoulder.

"Hi dear,"

"Oh, hi miss Andrews." I say politely.

"I'm glad you're back safe and sound." She said.

I thank her before she walked away.

This brought more unwanted attention to me.

I had almost finished my coffee when a typical soccer mom came over to me. She seemed angry.

I looked up confused.

All I wanted to do was drink my damn coffee can everyone just leave me alone I thought to myself.

"Are you Alice Jones? The girl on the news?"

I nodded. Noticing the whole shop was deadly silent.

"Who do you think you are keeping information from the police? You are stopping them from finding the suspect. He could go after any one of our kids next! She paused. "But you don't care!"

For a moment I couldn't speak, I was in total utter shock. Who did this woman think she was?

I let out a little cough. Preparing myself.

"Excuse me?" I started.

"I do care! I wouldn't wish what happened to me there on my worst enemy, you don't know shit. I spat.

I took a deep breath, trying to stop myself from stuttering.

"I gave the police a description of him and where I thought I was taken, a description of where I was held. I didn't say what happened to me yes but that is personal to me. Nothing to do with you."

"What he did to you could lead the police to him. If another kid goes missing, it's on YOU." She shouted at me

I could feel my eyes prick with tears, I looked down trying to compose myself.

I heard a barista kick the woman and her three kids out shortly after.

The whole shop was dead silent. No one knew what to say, I was completely stunned. Lost for words.

I heard a soft, almost soothing voice say something to me. It quickly brought me back to reality.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

I looked up for the first time in what seemed like forever. As I looked my gaze fell on a tall girl, standing at about 5'11. She had short brown hair with a sharp parting and plump lips. She was pretty.

I nodded and swiftly left the coffee house, as I did so, I could still feel a hundred eyes on me.

Once I was out of there and it was just us two, alone in the street, I took a sigh of relief. That was awful.

"I'm so sorry about that, are you okay?" The tall girl asked.

I wanted to reply but I couldn't get the words out. I was afraid I would break down crying if I opened my mouth.

I felt the girl place a gentle hand on my shoulder. I flinched. Which in turn made her jump.

"Sorry." I managed to say.

"Don't be." She replied. Probably feeling bad about making me flinch.
I wasn't scared of her, it was just a natural reflex for me these days.

"My name is Ruby, I work at the coffee house." She said to me.

That soon jogged my memory, I used to see her here all the time.

"Oh...I'm sorry, I must let you get back to work." I said. Concerned she could get into trouble.

"Don't worry, I was just finishing my shift just before the commotion happened."

I nodded, understanding.

"Would you like me to drive you home?" Ruby asked, unsure of what else to do to help me.

Considering my situation, I was apprehensive.

I couldn't get many words out because I was so shaken up but I managed a nod. Grateful for the barista's kindness

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