Chapter 25

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This chapter and maybe the next is basically going to be the recount of Alice's experiences. I love creative writing, so I could make it short and boring but I want to go into detail, so you as readers can get a sight into what really happened. 


Ruby placed her hand over mine, lovingly and supportively. My drunken thoughts were racing, not sure on where I should start.

"Do you want me to tell you what I already know?" She asked sweetly.

I shook my head.

I'd rather just tell the whole experience, so there are no gaps and we don't have to bring this up again." I said honestly. Ruby nodded her head understanding.

It was a Saturday night, I had been drinking at some house party and I was knackered after doing a 10-hour shift that day. I wanted to go home but my ride was in no rush to leave, I got frustrated and decided to walk home. It was freezing and my house was all the way across town. if I was sober, I would've realised that walking home, was an impossible task. It was so far. I wasn't going to ring my parents. A smile tugged at Ruby's mouth, clearly realising since she had met my parents, why that was not an option. They would go psycho. I was walking for a good hour, barefoot as my shoes were killing me and nearly losing feeling in my fingers.

After far too long walking I decided I'd get a taxi, I'd have to ask him to wait whilst I went inside my house, and get the money from my dad's wallet, I was remember grimacing at the thought of my parents reaction to me coming home drunk and taking their money, but it was inevitable. 

I walked into the taxi rank and walked over to the counter. I vividly remember having to go on my tip toes to sufficiently see over the counter, to talk to the man. The man looked up as I approached, he sat up from his slumped position and pushed his greasy hair out of his face. 

"Hey," he drawled. 

"Hi. I said back, trying to compose my drunken self. "Can I get a taxi to San Diego?" 

The man looked at a piece of paper and scratched his head.

"You're gonna have to wait, Miss. All my guys get off shift in an hour."

I sighed at what he was telling me, the drive was at least an hour and a half and they wouldn't make it back before their shift ended.

"How long will I have to wait?" I asked feeling utterly hopeless.

"My next guy comes in for his shift in about an hour," he told me, his southern accent prominent. 

I walked outside and sat outside the taxi rank, I pulled my jacket closer together, trying to preserve some warmth. Failing miserably. I sat myself down on the benches provided and waited for my taxi to arrive. I was grimacing at the thought of how much a taxi would cost. An hour fair is bad enough, but they charge extra after 12. It was at least 2.30 now. 

Half an hour had passed and I heard a door slam. I was too tired to look up. 

"Do you need a ride?" A woman's voice called out which snapped me back to reality. It was a middle-aged, smiling woman, wondering why she was out so late. I shook my head at her and turned away.  

I wish the taxi would hurry up. 

She eventually walked over to me.

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