Chapter 3

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I heard a nearby car click open and Ruby held the door for me to get into the car.

Once I got in, I sniffled and wiped my tears away.

Ruby handed me a tissue.

"Thank you." I said still sniffling.

"Hey...don't let that woman get to you. She is utter scum. You should talk about it whenever you feel comfortable about it. If the police thought what you went through could help the investigation, they would've made you tell them. But they didn't." She gave me a warm smile.

"I know" I cracked a meek smile. "So you know what happened." I sighed.

Don't know what I expected. I was the talk of the country. I guess I just wish I could start fresh.

"Yeah. I don't think there is one person in this town that doesn't."

"You look slightly different now though." She added

"Only my hair has changed?" I said in a slightly harsh tone.

I sent her a apologetic smile soon after.

"Sorry I don't mean to come across rude, it's just rude is all I've came across for the past two years. It's an adjustment." I admitted.

"It's okay, love."

"And your hair looks great. It was a compliment." She added.

I laughed and looked into the mirror "I dunno, I kinda dig it" I said laughing.

Ruby was smiling gigantically at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" she looked away quickly.

"'s just when you smiled like that you looked more like the girl in the picture."

I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I looked away so she couldn't see me blush.

'I don't think that girl will ever come back.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah I can't remember the last time I smiled like that." I admitted.

"Don't worry you'll be happy again soon. Want me to drop you off home now?

"Yeah that would be great thanks." I said gratefully.

Through the short journey to my house we made some small conversation. I learnt that she likes to DJ, she is a model/actress which I wasn't too surprised at because she was genuinely beautiful and then she also worked part time at the coffee house.

I directed her to my house and as we pulled up there were even more people here than before. I groaned out loud.

"Why can't they just leave me alone?" I muttered to no one in particular.

"This is crazy" Ruby exclaimed. "Total breach of privacy" she sounded disgusted.

"Come on I'll walk you to your door."

"Thank you." I managed to blurt out before she was already at my door opening it for me.

She grabbed my waist and pulled me through the crowd, occasionally elbowing people out the way. I was feeling claustrophobic but we eventually managed to get to the door.

I opened it and quickly said

"Come in if you like, they might eat you alive out there."

As I shut the door, shouting of questions became quieter.

I shut the door and lent against it. Taking a sharp breaths inwards.

"Thank god that's over," I heard Ruby say whilst looking around at my hallway.

"Mum I'm." I didn't manage to finish my sentence before my mum was at my side embracing me into a hug

"Ouch" I grimaced.

It still hurt to be held too tightly.

"Sorry." she said as she looked up at Ruby.

"Oh, who is this?"

"Mum, this is Ruby, she drove me home after some woman started shouting at me in the coffee house."

She gave Ruby a smile.

"Thank you, dear." And then turned back to me.

"Shame on you Alice for getting into a car with a stranger! She could be anyone! She started ranting at me. I deserved it.

"I know...I'm sorry mum, I just had to get away from there."

"You have to be careful, Alice." She further scolded me.

I looked over my mum and saw my dad standing behind her awkwardly.

He gave us a fake smile and walked back into the living room. I suppose to watch TV or read the latest newspaper.

"Can Ruby stay for a bit?" I asked.

"Of course." She said smiling.

I led Ruby up to my room.

I turned to her, sorry it's kind of mum kinda kept my room exactly how I left it two years ago and I haven't managed to tidy it up yet."

She raised one eyebrow at me.

"I know it's creepy." I cut her off.

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