Chapter 11

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I said goodbye to Mrs Griffin and walked through the double doors out of the building the receptionist waved and I waved back. That session wasn't too bad I thought to myself. I mostly talked about Ruby. I looked around and couldn't see Ruby's car anywhere. I called her but no answer. I looked at my phone and I had been let out right on time.

As I was searching for her I was thinking about today's session. I approached the idea of moving out to my therapist and she told me it wasn't a good idea. I wanted to so badly though. I could tell staying with my parents, would only hinder our relationship. It was only day 3 of freedom and they were already getting on my nerves.

"Hmm." I said out loud. Maybe she was just running late, traffic probably. I sat down on a wall and waited for what seemed like forever when I saw a car pull up and the window rolled down and I heard Ruby's sweet voice echo towards me.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late I lost track of time!" She shouted over.

I went over and got in the car.

"It's fine don't worry." I smiled at her.

The car started and we were on the road.

I turned to Ruby.

"I have good news." I smirked.

"What's that?" She asked curiously.

"My shrink said it would be good for me to move into my own place! She thinks it I keep taking my meds and going to the therapy sessions regularly there should be no problem. I beamed.

"WHOOP WHOOP." Ruby screamed making people in other cars look out way.

We didn't care though.

"Let's get you moved in today!" Ruby said enthusiastically.

"Today? It's 4.30 we don't have time!"

"Oh yeah..." Ruby said sadly.

"And we also have to go to mine for that family meal." I scoffed.

I could tell by Ruby's body language that she was nervous her whole body tensed up.

I didn't want to embarrass her or belittle her so I left it alone and didn't bring it up.

"Can we go to mine? I wanna get a shower and get ready etc."

"Why? You look good as you are! It's nothing fancy." I said.

"I know but if I think I look good then I'll be more confident." She said honestly.

"Okay." I couldn't argue with that I knew exactly what she meant.

We got to her house and she hopped in the shower. I watched some TV whilst I waited for her.
20 minutes later Ruby emerged with just a towel around her body. Her collarbones visible. She was so attractive. I sucked in a breath which caused her to smirk. I walked over to her and put my arms around her neck. She smiled into the kiss. I could kiss her for hours. I loved the feeling I got. But I had to pull away knowing we couldn't be late.

"Go get ready" I instructed.

"Okay boss." she said jokily.

I rolled my eyes and smacked her ass playfully when she walked away.

She erupted in giggles. I went back to the shitty, confusing TV show I was watching and waited for Ruby to get ready.

Ruby came out in a button down white blouse, a navy blazer and some black fitted pants. I wasn't going to lie she looked so good.

"Ready?" I asked.
Ruby nodded and we got into the car and drove away.

We pulled up outside my house and I took a deep breath. I knew Ruby was nervous and I didn't blame her my mum was a handful and my dad didn't even give her the time of day to even look at her. I squeezed Ruby's arm to comfort her but really I was comforting myself too, I wanted tonight to go really well because I really cared about Ruby and I wanted my family to like her as much as I do.

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