Chapter 23

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I woke up to an empty bed, I scratched my head, confused. I heard a soft, beautiful singing filling the whole apartment. I walked into the kitchen to see Ruby stood at the cooker, whatever she was cooking it smelt good.

I got onto my tiptoes and whispered "Good morning." In her ear. I saw Ruby smile before I kissed her cheek.

I sat down at the table and waited for Ruby to serve the food.

"Are we still going to your parents today?" Ruby asked.

I had forgotten we planned that.

"Yeah," I said before getting my phone out my pocket and dialled my mum's number.

It rang for a few seconds before my dad picked up.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

"Oh hello, dad. Is mum there?" I asked feeling slightly awkward. I wasn't prepared for him to answer.

"She's upstairs."

"Oh okay. I'll just ring back when she has more time." I replied.

My dad paused.

"Why can't you tell me why you called? I am your father." I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

I saw Ruby raise her eyebrows.

"Oh umm sorry, I was just wondering if we could all have dinner tonight? My friend Ruby wants to see you both again." I said trying to keep my nerves at bay.

"Oh does she now." My dad said surprised. He knew him and my mother didn't treat her well last time she came over. He was probably confused on why anyone in their right mind would want to have dinner with them again.

"Well sure. Dinner will be at 4 so come a bit before then." He said.

I said goodbye and hung up. I let out a deep breath. That was a weird call that I was glad was over.

I put my phone down and joined Ruby in eating the food she made us.

I groaned in happiness.

"You're such a good cook." I complimented her.

She chuckled

"Thanks love."

For the rest of the day, we both sat around and did naff all. It wasn't boring, though, I don't think being with Ruby could ever be boring.

We made ourselves presentable and headed over to my parents. I was nervous. Actually, that was an understatement. Ruby didn't even look phased.

We pulled up to the house and I knocked on the door. It felt weird knocking on a door you lived in for so long. Both my parents greeted me, I was surprised my dad even bothered to come to the door and greet us. He never normally would even look up from his newspaper.

I smiled and hugged both of them.

"You're late so hurry up and come to the dining room before the food gets cold."

I checked my phone time. We were right on time.

I shot Ruby a confused glance.

"We are here at the correct time," I said to my parents.

My mum frowned.

"Dear. This is why you should hang out with more intelligent people it's clearly having an effect on you. It's 4'oclock."

I rolled my eyes at the dig towards Ruby. Just because someone has tattoos doesn't mean they aren't educated. I knew there were plenty more rude comments coming our way. This was just the beginning. I looked over at Ruby she was unphased. She had a thick skin and could handle it. I respected her for it.

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