Chapter 1

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After two weeks of being in hospital I was allowed to finally leave. After them doing so many tests, prodding me with foreign tools and various officers asking me questions and making me go over every detail of what happened in the two years I was gone and attending many therapy sessions, I was all packed and ready to leave. I looked up at my tiny TV in the corner of the room and saw my face on it. As usual.

I heard the reporter speaking saying "It's been two weeks since Alice Jones escaped captivity and has been residing in hospital until today where she is said to be leaving and going back home. There are still no leads on who the kidnapper is but the investigation is still going strong. Her family have given a brief statement stating that, "Alice is well and in good care and asks the media to respect her, and our privacy in this fragile time. Thank you" I switched off the TV. I hope the media stays off mine and my families back and respected our wishes. I don't have high hopes though, it's a high profile case and everyone wants some answers.

"Hi honey, are you ready to leave?" My mother asked me.

I nodded.

My mum was really emotional when I came back. She wouldn't stop crying and telling me she loved me. My dad on the other hand was the complete opposite. He has barely said a word to me since I came back. Not a single tear shed. I got a brief hug and that was it. He's never been much of an emotional person but I would've thought when his daughter had been missing for two years he would at least show that he's glad I'm back.

When I got outside the hospital and into my dads car, there were reporters everywhere, cameras everywhere and random civilians everywhere. All shouting my name, trying to get a statement. It was all so overwhelming.

I stifled back my tears. I had refused to talk to anyone about what had happened when I was taken. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I will soon. I just don't feel strong enough for it yet.

My dad drove out and got away from the hospital and I opened my window and stuck my head out. Enjoying the fresh air. Seeing all this familiarity was making me emotional. I was home again. Safe.

We pulled up into my drive way, my mum insisted I stayed at home instead of my apartment. Two days before I was kidnapped I brought my first apartment but never managed to put aby furniture in there. I hope soon I can go back and finish what I started and be a real adult. I sometimes forget that I'm not 19 anymore, I'm 21. No 21 year olds still live with their parents. Not around here anyway. But I was glad I was staying with them. I was happy she insisted because I didn't want to be alone anymore.

We must have beat the reporters cause there was no one outside my house. Thank god. I muttered under my breath.

I went straight up to my room.

It was left exactly how I last left it...little creepy I must admit.

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