His Mate

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"Your mom sure knows how to throw a party at short notice." I glanced around the ballroom in the mansion. Wolves filled every bit of space, some dressed in jeans, others in ballgowns, all of them there to have a good time.

The music was blasting out of the speakers, pumping through the room. Food was laid out on tables, everything from sandwiches to cakes, chicken to pizza.

In the time it had taken Alaric and I to agree to a party yesterday, Luna Blevine had managed to get a message out to every wolf in the pack, explaining that she wanted them to meet Alaric's mates and to welcome them into the pack.

Her excuse? She wanted to give the pack something positive. Something light. Somewhere everyone could just let go.

Fuck, this pack needed some good news after all the shit lately.

Alaric chuckled and shrugged, his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. "You'll get used to Mom. This?" He gestured to the balloons tied to every pillar, the streamers dancing across the ceiling, the confetti sprinkled on the floor. "This is nothing. Just you wait till Dad steps down and hands the reins to me. Then you'll see what kind of party my Mom can organise."

Last night, Alpha Conri had explained that, when it came to handing over the title of Alpha to Alaric, it would be much more formal. Apparently, he wanted something similar to Alaric's coming of age party.

Ball gowns and tuxedos.

Radley came over and stood in between us, his button nose scrunched. I looked down at him as he gazed back, his emerald eyes twinkling in the low light.

"Enjoying yourself?"

He looked from me, to Alaric, then back to me.

"I wish Claudia was here." He sighed as he leaned into me, my arm wrapping around his shoulders instinctively.

"I know," Alaric muttered as he snuggled up close to Radley and buried his nose in Radley's hair. It seemed like a hobby of his. But then, Raldey had always smelled delicious. Even I enjoyed breathing him in. "But she'll want you to have a good time. That's what she told you when you visited her this morning, isn't it?"

He nodded as he rested his head on my shoulder. "It's just that ... whenever there was a party here ... we always stayed at home. Out of the way." He shrugged. "I just think it would be nice for her to come to a party for a change."

Alaric glanced at me, a guilty look twisting his handsome face.

"Don't you dare feel guilty," I warned him, wagging a finger under his nose. "You didn't know what was really going on."

He huffed. "But -"

"No 'buts'." I tutted. Unless, of course, it was his. Or Radley's. Honestly, both were pretty damn fine.

My cock twitched a little at the thought. And the fact that I would see a lot more of their asses.

Last night was my first night in Alaric's room. Alaric's bed. Well, I guess it was now our room and our bed.

Okay, so it had been cosy - the three of us pressed up against each other all night in the large bed. And, although I didn't want to complain, the fact that all we'd done was sleep had left me hard and unsatisfied all night.

With Radley's cute ass pressed against me, it hadn't taken long for my cock to spring to life, nudging Radley with expectations.

Expectations that were ... just that. After another tiring day, Radley had gone to sleep almost immediately after visiting Claudia, snuggled in between me and Alaric. Warmth had coursed through my body, heating my skin, causing a funny tickle in my stomach. The more he'd wriggled, the harder I'd gotten.

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