Chapter 3

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What am I supposed to do all by myself?  I wish he would stay with me… I will do anything master wants…  What am I thinking?  I can’t give in to him.  I hate myself more than ever before.  I hear voices coming from outside.  I hurry to the window to see a blonde girl spring on Stephen, planting kisses all over his face.  Is that his girlfriend?  I don’t want him to have a girlfriend if he owns me.  That girl needs to take his hands off of him. 

He pushes her away and she sulks off and out of the home.  I climb onto the couch that is connected to this window sill and watch his family gathering.  He glances up and a smirk claims his lips.  I need to stop thinking all together and then he wouldn’t know so much about me and my past.  I don’t like him knowing about my father.  I wish I could just get rid of my father.  Though, do I really want my mother to suffer?  Of course not.

I slowly drift to sleep after I watch Stephen’s father open his gifts and hug his son’s and daughter.  They are an actually happy family.  I wish I knew what that felt like.

I feel like I’m floating on air until I feel my soft sheets below me.  Grabbing onto his shirt, I hold him from leaving me alone.

He surprises me by his question.  “What is your name?”


He looks genuinely surprised by my answer.  What is so shocking about my name?  Maybe I can change the name that my idiot of a father gave me.

“Or whatever you want… If you don’t like that.”

His surprise grows and I didn’t think it could grow anymore though, I was wrong.  Please say you want to change it.  I plead with my mind just to change my sick name.

“Keira is fine.”

What?  Why doesn’t he want to change it?  “Are you sure?”  I ask.

“I said it is fine, so it is fine.”  He growls at me.

I cower away from this scary man and all of a sudden he grabs me and sinks his fangs into my throat for a second time today.  I struggle against him, hoping that maybe he will stop and not put me through this for much longer.  He drinks longer than he usually does.  When he finishes he drops me on the bed and moves closer to my face with a threatening expression on his face.  He is scary when he looks like this.

“The more you fight me, the more painful it will be.  Be smart and stop fighting me.”

I shake my head in agreement while putting as much distance between us as possible. 


He leaves me alone again and I just lay back and try to sleep but after what just happened, I can’t find the strength to sleep again.  He is such a scary man and it makes it hard to even understand why I ever want to be close to him.  All he ever does is hurt me.  The night goes on with me staring at the ceiling and after 2 hours, a brilliant plan comes to mind.  I know how I can get out of this place.

I slowly open the door and was about to take a step out when the guard stepped in front of me.

“You are not allowed out of the room.”

“But I have to pee.”

“Fine, but hurry along, I don’t want Master Evans finding out.”

I scurry down the hall and enter the room I had before.  It has to be his office.  The phone is still sitting there on the desk and I hurry over to it, dialing my house number.

“Hello.”  My father slurred into the phone.

Great, my mom has left for work already and he is drunk as a skunk.  Just my luck.

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