Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

We sit down around my Dad's grand dining room table. A few men dressed in black suits walk out to us carrying plates filled with food. The delicious aroma hits my nose and my mouth starts watering almost instantly. I can't remember the last time I have eaten because of all of the stressors that have been going on around me that have distracted me from my basic instincts I hear my stomach growling very loudly. Stephen glancing at me with a smirk on his face, I look up at him with red cheeks feeling the warmth in my face at my sudden embarrassment.

"Someone sounds very hungry." He whispers in my ear, moving down to kiss me on my flushed cheek making my face heat more as I catch my grandmother's eyes observing the two of our behaviors. I lightly tap Stephens leg, reaching out to him through my mind to behave.

You don't think i'm behaving, my dear?

I look up at him in shock as his voice leaves my mind. I don't understand what has happened, did he really speak out loud or in my head? My eyes shoot to the table as my dinner is placed in front of me and all confusion and worry leaves me as I begin to dig into the mashed potatoes and steak and ignoring the broccoli.

I finish my meal in record time compared to the others at the table. Looking around I notice that Stephen never got a plate but had a half full glass of a dark burgundy liquid. My heart tells me its blood but I don't understand why he would drink the blood of another. He told me one time that when a vampire finds their mate that their mates blood is the only blood that is actually satisfying to them. My eyes find his as he stares down at me, a warm smile on his lips.

That is true, but I think your grandparents wouldn't appreciate me arousing their granddaughter in front of them. You don't want to give them a show do you?

My eyes widen again as his voice enters my mind. How is he doing this?

Mates hold a special bond, my little Keira. We can communicate through our minds with no one ever knowing what we are saying.

Why haven't you before then?

There was never a reason to before. I always had you close with no one close enough to eavesdrop on us.

That makes sense I guess. Is there anything else we can do?

You will discover everything in due time but for now you should focus on your new found family members. I don't want to take this moment away from you, my love.

Thank you, I love you Stephen.

I love you too my dear Keira. I will never take advantage of that love again.

A huge smile spreads on my lips and I kiss his cheek, resting my hand on the side of his face and turning him to face me, pressing my forehead against his and closing my eyes.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too."

We pull away from each other and I watch him take another drink from his glass, feeling hot jealousy form in my chest as I observe. Am I really going to be jealous over something so little. Sitting back in my chair my eyes meet my grandfather's. His eyes show happiness and warmth when they catch mine.

"Keira, you look so much like your mother. You have really grown up to be a very beautiful young girl." My grandfather says to me with admiration flowing through.

"Thank you Silas."

"I know we don't know each other well but I hope someday you can call me grandpa."

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