Chapter 13

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I’ve been dead for a week and look at me running to his side.  He is my life and my essence and without him I would be nothing.  I would be nothing but a sad and miserable girl.  Stephen is my sun and my moon.  He is the light that lights my path in the dark of night.  He is the one who protects me from the hot blazes of the sun.  He is my everything and now I must be his guardian angel and save him from himself.

I crash into the home and come face to face with his entire family and Sapphire.  Their eyes grow wide when they see what I have become.  I hate to look them in the eyes and see their surprise and fear because of what I am now. 

I of course had to become the fear emotion.   Why couldn’t I be love or joy?  Why am I sentenced to be the hideous looking faerie.  You’re not hideous dear, it is your beauty that they are afraid of.  That makes no sense.  The truth does not always make sense.  Thank you mom.  Save Stephen dear.  You make it sound like he is dying.  He might as well be.  What?  If you let him go into hibernation then he will not wake for many centuries and you will have to go through life without him by your side.  He may be a different man when he awakes again.  You’re right.

I race up to Stephen’s room and see him lying there on the bed barely breathing.  I know he is close to hibernation but I won’t allow it.  Broken glass rests all over the floor and I pick up one of the sharpest pieces.  The glass is cold against my skin.  I bring it down hard on my pale skin and slowly bring it across my wrist.

I watch my blood spill from the wound and I place my wrist to his mouth.  He tries to resist but once my sweet blood touches his tongue he grabs my arm and holds it there tightly.  I don’t feel the pain like I once did or the drowsiness either and I begin to worry.  Shouldn’t I feel sick if I am losing blood?  A faeries blood replenishes very quickly.  It is as if he isn’t even drinking your blood.  That is odd. 

I watch as the color returns to his body and I hear his heart beat pick up.  He is coming back to me.  My beloved is returning and it is because I have saved him.  A smile breaks across my lips and I watch his beautiful blue eyes slowly open and reveal themselves to me.

I’ve missed his beautiful blue eyes.

“Keira?”  He croaks.  His voice is still slightly scratchy from the lack of nourishment.

“Hi Stephen.”  I whisper.

He stares at me in surprise and fear.  My heart drops in my chest.  I know I must look terrible to him.  I must look like a monster to him.

“You don’t look like a monster to me.  I’m only afraid that this is just a fantasy.”

“I’m really here.”  I whisper.

He springs from the bed and wraps me in his arms.  “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I know that Stephen.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been watching over you.  How could you not feed?  Watching that was worse than death.”

“I missed you too much.  I wanted only you and I couldn’t have that so I refused anyone else.”

I spring onto him, knocking him back onto the bed.  “I love you Stephen.”  I whisper against his chest.

He wraps his arms tightly around me and pulls me hard against his chest.  “I love you too.”

Tears fill my eyes at his acceptance and I glance up at him.  His eyes widen in worry and that is when I notice the blood on his shirt.  Where could it have come from?  I lift a shaky hand up to my cheek and lightly touch the liquid that has fallen from my eyes.  Glancing at my hand, I take in the blood that has fallen from my eyes.  I cry blood?

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