Chapter 7

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She seriously left, I just thought she was kidding and was just trying to make me angry.  I can’t believe she actually left.  I never thought my actions would actually make me lose someone I felt something strong for.  Why can’t I just tell her I love her?  I know exactly why.  I loved my mom but she still left me and how can I love Keira when I know that someday she will leave me too.  That’s what humans do…  They love and they hate and then someday she’ll die and I’ll still be the same age as I was when I met her.

I couldn’t even consider changing her into a vampire because she is too full of sunshine.  She is a happy and bright girl and I couldn’t take away her light and put her in the darkness.  I love her too much to do that to her.

I walk into my office and continue on with my day, knowing that it will just be another lonely and quiet day like before I met Keira. 

I don’t like waking up without her next to me.  The bed is so much colder without her warm body in it.  Who would’ve known I, of all vampires, would miss a human this much.  I have to talk to her.  I dial Adelle’s number and she picks up after the second ring.


“Adelle, do you still have her?”  I just have to know that she is okay.

“Yeah, she is here.  I didn’t lose her Stephen.”

“Did she sleep okay, is she okay?”

“She slept fine, why?”

“I’m just worried about her, that’s all.  I want her back here.”

“You will have her back soon.  Just chill.”

“I can’t just chill, Adelle.  Let me talk to her.”

“No, I’m not letting you talk to her.”

“Please, Adelle, let me fix this.”

“I think you have done enough.”

“Adelle, let me talk to her.”

“Bye Stephen.”

“Adelle wait.”  She had already hung up.

I just want my Keira back here where I know she is safe.  I don’t know what Adelle is doing with her and every moment that she is there, it kills me.  I lay back in bed, just staring at the ceiling for hours.

There’s a loud banging at my front door and the obnoxious banging won’t stop.  Why isn’t any of my workers getting the door?  I calmly walk downstairs and to the front door, opening it to find a horrific scene.  Keira is in Adelle’s arms wrapped in a bloody towel and blood covering her body.  Panic settles in when I see the shape that she is in. 

“My blood isn’t healing her, Stephen.  She is dying and you are the only one who can save her.”

“Set her down, now.” 

I can feel my anger boiling up inside me and I want to be angry with Keira but I can’t make myself be upset with her.  I care about her too much to be angry at her.  I bite into my wrist opening a wound and put the open wound to her mouth, letting my blood fall into her mouth.  I can already see her color returning to her body and hope has returned to my heart.  For a moment I had thought that I had lost her.  I snap my fingers and my maid Anne was next to me.

“Yes, sir.”

“Please clean her up and take her to my bedroom.  I want her in new clothes, just put her in one of my shirts.”

She picks her up and carries her upstairs, disappearing around the corner of the staircase.  I turn back to Adelle who is covered in Keira’s blood.

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