Chapter 11

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Sapphire has the speed of a vampire.  What has that girl become?  She is the most beautiful creature I have seen.  I feel a pain in my heart at my thought but it quickly vanishes.  I wonder how Keira is coping.  It has been a couple weeks since I have seen her last and Mason has phoned a few times.  So far her condition has only worsened and I feel so guilty.  I have done this to her.  I have caused her so much pain.  My phone begins vibrating in my pocket and I pull it out switching it on speaker phone so I can continue my work.


I hear her sweet voice in the background.  My heart clenches in pain but my pain is quickly erased.  Her quiet whimpering quickly turns into a cry of pain.  What have I done to my sweet Keira?

“Stephen its Mason.”

“I guessed that much.”

I can hear her screams become quiet whimpers once again.  I wish I could steal her pain away.  I would do anything to keep her happy but I gave that up the moment I sold her away.  Sapphire was right, I am a cruel man.

“I have done everything I can but her condition is growing worst by the days.  I have called to tell you that I don’t believe this girl has many days left.”

What?  My dear Keira is going to die?  My heart fills with pain and sadness again.  I hear her scream in pain and end in a fit of sobs.  What is causing her this much pain?  I want to take it away.

“Why do you say that?”

“Her heart is growing weaker and she has lost all color to her skin.  She is growing as white as snow.”

“How much longer do you think she has?”

Please don’t say a short period of time.  I have to be there when she leaves this world.

“I would guess she has about a week left but she could have less.”

Not my Keira.  She can’t die.  I could turn her but I don’t want to put her through the pain of being a vampire.  I couldn’t ruin her life like that.

“I will be there in a weeks time, but if her condition changes please call me immediately.”

“I will be sure to do so Stephen.”

He hangs up the phone and leaves me sitting in my office emotionless and confused.  I feel no pain but when he called me and told me of her condition, I wanted nothing but to be by her side.  What are these feelings that I am having?  What if I am wrong and she really is my mate?  If she dies then I will die soon after her.

What am I going to tell her little brother?  He has lost everyone in his life and now he is going to lose the one person he has left.  How do I break the news to him?  I climb to my feet and exit my office to find the young boy playing with my maid, Anne.  When she sees me she rushes to her feet with an embarrassed look on her face.  I wouldn’t discourage the care she gives to this young boy.  She is the closest thing to a mother for him.  I flash her an encouraging smile and she seems to calm her nerves.

“May I speak to the boy?”  She nods her head and hurries young Daniel to his feet. 

He follows me over to the nearest couch and I take a seat and he sits next to me.  He looks up into my eyes with the same beautiful eyes that his sister has.  Oh how I miss her beautiful gaze.  I must be gentle with the boy.

“Daniel, there is something that I need to tell you.”  I begin.

“Is Keira coming back today?”

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